Michael Y Wong
December 17th, 2007, 01:11 AM
I've been lurking on these forums lately watching some of the greats sharing some incredible wedding highlights.
I have come to enjoy doing wedding highlights to faster paced songs (Jason Magbanua's work has inspired me to go that direction) so my next few will be of that style.
Here is a wedding I shot wayyy back in July, & the clip has been out the door for months now. But before I start shipping many more out the door I would greatly value any comments & criticism.
Thank you.
ps. Excuse the poor encoding job as it was my first time having my videos encoded to flash!
Vito DeFilippo
December 17th, 2007, 02:23 AM
Did you edit this as well, or just shoot? I'm not sure what you are looking for comments on.
Anyway, from the shooting perspective -- stellar work. I wish I could produce beautiful images of this caliber myself. Someday soon, I hope! Nice compositions, creative ideas, well exposed, etc, etc...
From an editing perspective, I found it a bit confusing, and full of too many moving steadicam shots. So many quick shots at the start, I didn't have time to understand them. I've shot a few Chinese weddings, so am familiar with the flow of the day, but I ask myself if someone else would understand what's going on. You cut a lot in and out of moving shots with clashing directions, which bothered me a bit. Too many shots seemed to ask the viewer to pay attention to what a great cameraman you are, as opposed to advancing the story.
I think your highlights would benefit greatly with a judicious balance of those great moving shots (which are truly impressive, don't get me wrong), and a greater number of steady, classic shots that lead us from point to point.
The sequence where they are obviously eating something that tastes bad is hilarious. The end (starting at 00:45) is beautiful. You use three shots in succession blending boom up movements which works great. The final shot is perfect for the title, and the mood it gives.
Hope I don't sound harsh. I'm just jealous...
Michael Y Wong
December 17th, 2007, 08:13 PM
HI Vito,
Thanks for great feedback & critical eye; I truely appreciate the honesty.
I've shot about three times more weddings then the number that I've edited, so I'll be the first to admit that I may be lacking that 'bulk editing' level of experience that others on the board may have.
To answer your question; I shot and edited this wedding alone; it was a LONG day :)
I see what you are saying the shots that intro the groom, instead of a direct introduction I chose to introduce him piece by piece via the revealing of shoes, pinning of flower etc etc., and the shots being quick teasers can come and go a little too fast.
I will put up a new clip in the next day or two which hopefully addresses problems with storytelling that I may be having in this current clip.
Overall I am asking for honest feedback and criticism of where I may be on the wrong track in efforts so that I can hopefully improve at this craft.!
ps. That wasn't harsh at all!!!
Vito DeFilippo
December 17th, 2007, 09:33 PM
Hi again Michael,
Thanks for great feedback & critical eye; I truly appreciate the honesty.
My pleasure. So glad you accept it in the positive spirit that it's offered.
To answer your question; I shot and edited this wedding alone; it was a LONG day :)
Yes, welcome to my world. The bulk of the weddings I do are 14-16 hour days on my own with one camera. I feel your pain. I have no idea how you managed to juggle stabilizers in the mix as well. Handheld Merlin? Maybe that's why you have so many moving shots on stabilizer? Because once it's on, it's hard to switch?
I don't know, cause I haven't moved into using one yet...
I see what you are saying the shots that intro the groom, instead of a direct introduction I chose to introduce him piece by piece via the revealing of shoes, pinning of flower etc etc., and the shots being quick teasers can come and go a little too fast.
It's not the technique of revealing him in that manner that bothered me. I actually enjoy that a lot. And short shots don't worry me either. But short or not, the viewer has to understand them on some level, or the line of the story is lost.
Anyway, great stuff. The bride will love it, that's for sure. I look forward to seeing more of your work, and feel free to blast me on anything I post as well! It always makes us better.