View Full Version : Vegas 7 problems....

Donald Blake
December 16th, 2007, 11:18 AM
Hey everyone,

I've been working with vegas 7 for a while now, and i really love this program, very simple and almost never have any problems (like bugs) until now...

I don't understand why this is happening but here's what's goiing on

I normally film in 16:9 ratio, but i recently filmed in 4:3 with my FX1, it's not even in HD, I never had a problem capturing video with vegas before but now I can't capture anything of what i filmed in 4:3 ratio...

So i had to capture it with Windows movie maker, since the final product will be on youtube i captured it directly on WMV, and it worked exept after i transfered it on vegas and edited the whole thing everytime i pause and play vegas goes down.

Aso when i render the final video, vegas takes a still frame of a video that wasn't even on the captured file and freezes it... only keeping the sound right.

weird! has anyone ever had these problems??

Edward Troxel
December 16th, 2007, 01:37 PM
If this is SD footage, are you using the EXTERNAL capture program (which captures SD footage) instead of the INTERNAL capture app (which captures HD footage)?

Donald Blake
December 16th, 2007, 02:21 PM
Yes Edward, when i plug in my FX1, vegas asks me to choose either DV or HDV/SDI.

Naturaly i choose DV (external video capture application) and i described what happenes next in my first message...

Edward Troxel
December 16th, 2007, 03:27 PM
Is the camera set to output DV instead of HDV?

Donald Blake
December 16th, 2007, 04:43 PM
you don't get too choose on the FX1, the camera automaticaly outputs what was filmed (SD/HD)...