Kellen Dengler
December 14th, 2007, 11:51 AM
I'm looking into purchasing the WD-H72 wide angle adapter, and was wondering if it is possible to add a UV Protector or polarizer or any screw on type filter with the WD-H72 attached? I know it screws on so I didn't know if I would have to purchase larger screw on type filters to go over top of that. I also know that it is near impossible adding a matte box kit with the WD-H72 attached so I kind of ruled out 4x4 type filters...
Also I have looked into other Wide Angle adapters for the A1 and was wondering if anyone had any experience with one that has a macro feature attached with it? Bower makes one with a macro and I have seen them on eBay and such for like half the price of the Canon. Wasn't sure how much that macro would help or if it was even necessary.
David W. Jones
December 14th, 2007, 02:10 PM
It does not have filter threads.
Kellen Dengler
December 14th, 2007, 04:00 PM
It does not have filter threads.
So then the only way to apply ANY sort of filter would be via matte box?
Has anyone succesfully used the Canon WD-H72 Wide Angle adapter with ANY brand of matte box?
How about any other brand of wide angle adapter?
That's kind of strange that Canon made it so big that you can't make any alterations with filters at all...
Trond Saetre
December 14th, 2007, 04:03 PM
How about having the filter between the lense and the wide angle adapter?
I do this all the time with my Canon XM2 and the WD-58H adapter, so I believe it could be done with the XH-A1 and the WD-72H.
Kellen Dengler
December 14th, 2007, 05:59 PM
That's exactly what I was getting at. but the filters screw onto the front threads of the lens so then how would the WD-H72 screw on?
Trond Saetre
December 14th, 2007, 06:37 PM
The filters I use have threads both on the front and back side, so I can screw the WD-58H directly on the front threads of the filter.
Benjamin Eckstein
December 14th, 2007, 06:37 PM
every round screw on filter I have used is threaded on both ends (so you can stack multiple filters). It'll be the same thread diameter as the XH so the WA adapter will just screw onto the filter.
Jack Walker
December 14th, 2007, 11:03 PM
The a filter _cannot_ be put between the WD-72 and the Canon lens.
The wide angle adapter has a barrel that extends past the threads preventing this.
The instruction manual says that you cannot use filters with the adpater.
However, the Cokin X-Pro filter holder/matte box will fit on the Canon WD-72.
Here is a recent thread that discusses this and other possibilites:
Kellen Dengler
December 14th, 2007, 11:33 PM
Here is a recent thread that discusses this and other possibilites:
Thanks Jack. That thread is a huge help.