View Full Version : Made with motion 3....

Neil Rostance
December 14th, 2007, 10:38 AM
I'm fairly new to motion graphics... and motion 3 (Video Editor rather than effects...) and I remember having the whole "It's not as good as after effects" conversations over and over again...

But i've just finished this entirely made with Motion 3 and to me it punches on the same level motion graphics side of things. Maybe not it's 3d side, but it really is a nifty piece of software.

I've just uploaded this (It really kicks off at the end!!)

Any comments would be much appreciated!!

David Scattergood
December 14th, 2007, 11:18 AM
What can I's great Neil. You must be chuffed with that!
Very well done.

I really liked the 'TV interference' (if that's the right phrase?) on the subjects and graphics and the tv print/pixels of the runway portion.
Cracking stuff fella.

Paul Cronin
December 14th, 2007, 11:38 AM
Neil having just switched to FCS 7 weeks ago and now diving into Motion 3 after in depth FC. I agree Motion 3 is loaded. It is of course nice to have loads of ram.

I enjoyed the motion clip and your demo.

Keep it rolling.

Mark Bournes
December 14th, 2007, 12:23 PM
Neil...NICE... Very creative. Great job man.

Jerrod Cordell
December 16th, 2007, 02:57 AM
That's really cool. I'm kind of in the same boat you're in. I've mostly done just editing and haven't dived into Motion or After Effects that much. From what I have looked at in Motion, it seems fairly easy to learn, but I could be mistaken.

Neil Rostance
December 16th, 2007, 03:57 PM
thanks a lot for the comments!

I'm still a motion graphics newbie by far, you can see a lot of cracks in that video but it's certainly a start. It's comforting to know that strong images can come out of motion isn't it....lots of fun to be had!

Vladimir Chaloupka
December 16th, 2007, 06:44 PM
Hey Neil, great stuff, really enjoyed it!
Just started playing around with Motion so it's nice to have some inspiration!


Chase Doutre
December 18th, 2007, 09:36 PM

well done. i like that website too

Sean Seah
December 20th, 2007, 11:10 AM
thks 4 sharing..!! Now I have a another instance to support my move to FCPS2

Tracey Dunn
December 25th, 2007, 11:48 AM
Always interested in what people can do
with Motion, especially now that Apple has improved its
interaction with FCP.
You can learn so much by playing around with the interface,
but when you have to use it for a job, that's
when you really start to see its potential.
Good Job...keep 'em comin'

Christopher Drews
December 28th, 2007, 05:11 PM
Hey Neil,

Stellar! Can you describe which effects you used to get the various forms of distortion? The effect of distortion over "TASSO" looked awesome. Which font is that and which generators did you use to get the green lines?

Also, did you compose the music also or did you cut to it? How did you sync edit - did you import the audio directly into motion building your visuals to match your audio?

Thanks for your thoughts and great work.


Neil Rostance
December 31st, 2007, 07:57 AM
wow thank you for all those positive comments!

I wasn't quite technically correct by saying made ENTIRELY with motion 3 actually. All motion graphics was done in there, but the audio sync and some very final colouring and fx touch up's were done in FCP. It was all jpegs, movs, psd's and motion did the job just fine.

Chistopher, thanks for the comment! some of the distortion effects are "Bad TV" filter in Final Cut Studio 2, and tinkering with the parameters.

I'm not sure of the font for Tasso's bit, i was working with basis PSD's from the designers and animated directly off them. The music is not my own (i wish!) it was by an artist called "edIT" appropriately enough.

thanks again for kind comments!