View Full Version : Bogen Tripod Gift

Mark Moore
June 19th, 2003, 11:07 AM
I'm probably blathering old news here, but after a couple of years of using "off-the-shelf" tripods, my brother had "an extra" tripod that he didn't need and gave it to me. Well it sat in my back room for several months before I pulled it out to look it over.

It's a Bogen 5030 with a 5033 head (I think that's the number). Anyway, I used it for the first time last weekend while shooting the WB doc - and man-o-man is it a dream, compared to the ones I was using.

Doing a search on this site came up with several posts about the spring action legs (yes, that surprised the crap out of me - not knowing it was going to happen!). The movement is soooo smooth - no jerkiness. I am amazed.

My GL1 looks kind of funny sitting on this monster, but I don't care. It's like putting an insta-matic on top of a boulder!

Sorry for the ramble, but I was excited about how well this tripod works!

Matt Gettemeier
June 19th, 2003, 05:48 PM

Tripod users basically fall into two categories... the ones who think cheapies work as good as better pods... and then the ones who have actually USED a decent pod.

There is never anyone who fits into BOTH groups at the same time.

Mark Moore
June 19th, 2003, 05:57 PM
I'm a little embarrassed to say that I actually had the Bogen in my back bedroom and went to the local camera store and bought a floor model "generic" tripod and used it for several months, before blowing the dust off the Bogen to see how it worked. That spring-loaded leg almost smashed my foot!

As far as control and ease of use, I can't even begin to explain the difference!