View Full Version : Another "What Do You Charge" Question
Cara Starr December 13th, 2007, 10:35 AM For those of you that offer photo montage services, how do you charge for them? Per picture, # of songs, flat fee, etc? What are you charging when you do a montage separate from a wedding package? Like say, for an anniversary or birthday or what have you.
Matthew Craggs December 13th, 2007, 10:57 AM In situations where it is part of the video:
If I have to scan the photo, it's $1. If they provide the digital files I don't charge anything extra because, let's face it, it's really, really easy to make a slideshow nowadays.
If it's a standalone slideshow, $50 plus $1 per scanned photo.
But that's just to cover the time. I have no intention of making money with slideshows so you could probably get away from charging a bit more.
Matt Trubac December 13th, 2007, 12:11 PM I charge about $1.50 per photo and this includes scanning, very basic editing (auto levels, repairing a minor scratch, cropping out white borders, removing extreme red eye, etc) and then creating the video. It takes me about 45 minutes to scan 60 photos, another 10 to do photo editing, 45 minutes to create the video and burn a few DVD's.
I have 2 hours or less of time invested. For a 60 photo package I charge $90 and then almost always end up selling additional copies. Average total for production and copies is around $140.
Jeff Emery December 13th, 2007, 11:24 PM 50 photos (prints or digital), set to music, on DVD = $100. The same price I charge for funeral memorial videos, graduation montages, etc.
Video clips can be added into the montage for $10 each. A clip is up to 1 minute long.
Peter Jefferson December 14th, 2007, 02:39 AM 45 shots
15 of each (Groom, bride, courtship)
Scanning, we charge $2 a pic including basic correction. Advanced repair and scratch removal add $5. Basic show (if not included with package is $220.
Advanced 3D compositing for up to 10 images (content dependent) $330.
Full on hardcore slideshow with wow factor "Living Photo" effects start at $440 and work their way to over a grand.
Andrew McWeeny December 16th, 2007, 03:23 PM Stand-alone montages(funeral, bar-mitz, anniversary, etc) $4 per pic. Includes scanning, resizing, cropping, color correction, repair, compositing and 'Ken Burns' style motion using Premiere and AE.While it's real easy and quick to dump a bunch of pics into a cheap instant montage software, I prefer to maintain focal control of each picture's 'point-of-interest' and movement.