View Full Version : Heavy Pixelizatoin

Steven Davis
December 12th, 2007, 10:15 PM
Well, I have something I've never encountered before. The red dresses, in the sunlight and indoors pixilate a bunch. I can't really anything with it now, I'm just wondering why, was it the sheen? What can I do when I run into that sheen again?

The picture doesn't do the pixilization justice, on the video, it's pretty noticable in the video, especially on my computer lcd and my flat screen lcd. I get a serious 80's pacman look. And saturating the red makes it worse.

I could use some tutelage, fire away.

Ethan Cooper
December 12th, 2007, 10:38 PM
Need to see something in motion. Not getting much of anything from the still.

Ethan Cooper
December 12th, 2007, 10:48 PM
As a side note, I'm loving my little FX7. Other than this red issue, how are you liking yours?
I moved up to mine from a VX2000, the FX7 destroys it in decent light. Not even close.

Steven Davis
December 12th, 2007, 10:49 PM
This was shot off a v1u, is a short clip, this is raw. And yeah, I love the v1u's, kinda shocked to see this. Since red is a popular color, I need to figure out what happened.

Ethan Cooper
December 12th, 2007, 10:52 PM
Wonder where I got the impression you were shooting a FX7? Sometimes I just make stuff up for fun I guess.
When you post your video I'd love to take a guess.

Timothy D. Allen
December 13th, 2007, 12:06 AM
Honestly Steven, I'd say that looks pretty good considering. Anytime you throw deep reds like that through DV or HDV compression they usually always turn out pixelated like that.

I've rendered out completely uncompressed, crisp red graphics, then compressed them to DV or HDV, and they turned out worse than that! I don't think there's much more you can do with what you have.

Steven Davis
December 13th, 2007, 06:15 AM
Honestly Steven, I'd say that looks pretty good considering. Anytime you throw deep reds like that through DV or HDV compression they usually always turn out pixelated like that.

I've rendered out completely uncompressed, crisp red graphics, then compressed them to DV or HDV, and they turned out worse than that! I don't think there's much more you can do with what you have.

Hmm. And yet another new thing I learn.

Chris Medico
December 13th, 2007, 06:57 AM
This was shot off a v1u, is a short clip, this is raw. And yeah, I love the v1u's, kinda shocked to see this. Since red is a popular color, I need to figure out what happened.

You are seeing the result of the chroma not being sampled at the full resolution of the image. If you look closely the same effect is happening between the plants in the background and the right side of the man on the right. Its not as obvious due to the colors involved.

Red against white is one of those combinations where the chroma subsampling of HDV becomes very obvious.

Stephen Armour
December 13th, 2007, 07:04 AM
You are seeing the result of the chroma not being sampled at the full resolution of the image. If you look closely the same effect is happening between the plants in the background and the right side of the man on the right. Its not as obvious due to the colors involved.

Red against white is one of those combinations where the chroma subsampling of HDV becomes very obvious.

Would seem to me to be one of the reasons to capture directly from the HDMI out to the Cineform HD codec. Would make a great test of that great codec!

Wong Kin Ching
December 13th, 2007, 08:47 AM
Having reds "bleed" is not unique to HDV or V1s. It happens to other formats and cameras as well.

I once shot in a studio car tail lights with brake lights on and the same thing happen... was using a SDX 900 on DVCpro 50.

Its nothing to be shocked about...

you can try to take steps to avoid it...

Mark OConnell
December 13th, 2007, 12:33 PM
Just out of curiosity Steven, did you shoot it as DV or HDV?

Steven Davis
December 13th, 2007, 12:37 PM
Just out of curiosity Steven, did you shoot it as DV or HDV?

HDV, shot with my Sony V1u. I originally thought this was an 'outside sunlight' phenomenon but, you can see it inside the building as well. I guess it's exagerated on my 32 lcd. This is not a deal breaker with the video, as the wedding and reception is really pretty. I just had not seen it before, thought I was going to have to chunk my v1's into the James River.

Mikko Lopponen
December 15th, 2007, 03:59 AM
Has that been downconverted into dv? Seems a bit too much for hdv at that size.

Steven Davis
December 15th, 2007, 10:36 AM
Has that been downconverted into dv? Seems a bit too much for hdv at that size.

Yes, it's downconverted