February 27th, 2002, 05:02 PM
I saw this product briefly mentioned in a thread somewhere (still trying to track it down) so I checked out it's website and phoned the 800 number to squeeze out some more info...
This Q-Technologies company makes a contraption called a Steadipod:
Their salesman at the other end said it was Korean-made, costs $599 (shipping around $15) and that their inventory got cleaned out just based on the few pictures on their website. He admitted they didn't even have instructions yet.
I asked about it's load capacity and was told its limit was a PD-150... a relief to those GL-1 users among us.
Although it looks like someone evicerated the Johnny5 Robot from Short Circuit 2, the website photos do seem to suggest it's fairly versatile. $599 is quite steep tho', IMO. Maybe Chris can score an evaluation version (time permitting) so we can get the skinny on it.
In a slightly different tangent, anyone happen to tinker with RC Helicopters as a hobby? I'm figuring if someone were to attempt crafting their own Steadicam knockoff, the machined swashplate from an RC Helicopter might serve as a useful gimbal. I can't think of another readily-available alternative out there. On one site, I saw a picture of a homemade wooden steadicam knockoff that used a DOOR HINGE.
A swashplate wouldn't be as useful or useable in a Glidecam clone.
This Q-Technologies company makes a contraption called a Steadipod:
Their salesman at the other end said it was Korean-made, costs $599 (shipping around $15) and that their inventory got cleaned out just based on the few pictures on their website. He admitted they didn't even have instructions yet.
I asked about it's load capacity and was told its limit was a PD-150... a relief to those GL-1 users among us.
Although it looks like someone evicerated the Johnny5 Robot from Short Circuit 2, the website photos do seem to suggest it's fairly versatile. $599 is quite steep tho', IMO. Maybe Chris can score an evaluation version (time permitting) so we can get the skinny on it.
In a slightly different tangent, anyone happen to tinker with RC Helicopters as a hobby? I'm figuring if someone were to attempt crafting their own Steadicam knockoff, the machined swashplate from an RC Helicopter might serve as a useful gimbal. I can't think of another readily-available alternative out there. On one site, I saw a picture of a homemade wooden steadicam knockoff that used a DOOR HINGE.
A swashplate wouldn't be as useful or useable in a Glidecam clone.