View Full Version : ProRes playback over Firewire 800??

David Green
December 11th, 2007, 02:23 PM

Does anybody know if it's possible to playback ProRes HQ files via a firewire 800 external drive? Or do I need a RAID array or an AJA io box?

I'm running off of a MacBook Pro 2.4ghz.



Steve Oakley
December 11th, 2007, 08:51 PM
in SD, ProRes is less then DV50... which plays off of bare FW400 drives. In HD, you should also be more then safe. do be aware that ProRes requires a intel machine for HD though for capture. I've been using Prores to PB 720P24 TL's without a problem with a G5 2.5G and FW800 drives

David Green
December 11th, 2007, 11:40 PM
Thanks for the response.

I know this qualifies as a separate question, but:

I'm in fact trying to capture SD DigiBeta material, and bring it into ProRes HQ. I have a MacBook Pro, but no DigiBeta deck at home.

My question is this: what's the best way to import these tapes? I basically need a DigiBeta deck and some kind of way to get the SDI cables into my laptop, correct? Like an AJA io, or an AJA io HD?

Or, alternatively, do you think it'd be easier and more economical to send the DigiBetas out for digitization? The quotes I've been getting across town (LA) have been somewhat absurdly priced ($200/hr).

Any insight is much appreciated.

Steve Oakley
December 12th, 2007, 11:21 AM
its hard to recommend any SD gear purchases these days, unless you use it for the job, its paid for, and you don't care if you use it again, or sell it. Your choices are :

AJA IO with SDI and analog ins and outs, new $1800 or so, used hard to come by, not much cheaper

AJA LD SDI only I and O $995

AJA HD... $3500, I think way overpriced

and I assume you can get access to a digibeta, cause they go for $25k used. $200/hr might not be so bad if you only need to load a couple hours of material in once. if you need to do it all the time, you'll pay for the AJA quick enough to not worry about the price. OTH if you can use a PCI mac, there are a number of cheaper decklink cards with SDI I/O. $295 for a SD SDI only card, $495 I think for their HD/SD SDI only card, and $1k for their analog/SDI SD/HD card.

Gabe Strong
December 12th, 2007, 01:48 PM
In HD, you should also be more then safe. do be aware that ProRes requires a intel machine for HD though for capture.

Not trying to be a smart a%& but isn't a Macbook Pro 2.4ghz an intel machine?
Seriously, the reason I'm asking is because I'm wondering if a LAPTOP, even though it is an intel with the dual core, can even CAPTURE ProRes HD.

Steve Oakley
December 12th, 2007, 08:29 PM
yes it should, but wasn't the orignial post about SD ? my G5 can do SD->Prores

Gabe Strong
December 13th, 2007, 01:53 AM
yes it should, but wasn't the orignial post about SD ? my G5 can do SD->Prores

The original post was about ProRes HQ which I THOUGHT was Apples new HD codec....I could be wrong here, but that's what I thought it was. I also thought I had read somewhere that you needed a MacPro to CAPTURE ProRes (other computers could play it back but not capture it) but I don't remember where I read that or even IF I read it for sure.

Anyways, sorry for the thread hijack, he seemed to be asking about playback only (via an external firewire 800 drive). I would be interested in expanding his question (if the answer is yes you can playback ProRes HQ over firewire 800) to ....well can you CAPTURE it over firewire 800 as well with a laptop?

Steve Oakley
December 13th, 2007, 02:10 AM
The original post was about ProRes HQ which I THOUGHT was Apples new HD codec....I could be wrong here, but that's what I thought it was. I also thought I had read somewhere that you needed a MacPro to CAPTURE ProRes (other computers could play it back but not capture it) but I don't remember where I read that or even IF I read it for sure.
....well can you CAPTURE it over firewire 800 as well with a laptop?

on a G4 you can play ProRes / Prores HQ SD and on FW400

on a G5 Dual you can _capture_ ProRes (HQ) in **SD** only and I have personally played 720p24 ProRes without issue, but capture has not worked in HD. SD has worked ok

on a G5 QUAD you can capture ProRes (HQ) in HD...barely

on a Macintel (any AFIAK ) you can capture ProRes (HQ) in SD or HD including a laptop

drive speed is not a problem regardless of platform. CPU power is the issue.

Gabe Strong
December 13th, 2007, 04:02 AM
Wow! Thanks Steve! So if you can barely capture ProRes HG in HD on a Quad G5 and you CAN capture with any intel mac, it must mean those Dual Core intel chips are pretty screaming fast, even on the laptop Macbook Pro's! Time for me to upgrade, and I am trying to decide which Mac I want......