View Full Version : Irregular/ fragmented capture from Canon HV20

Ron German
December 11th, 2007, 12:12 PM

I`ve just received a new HV20 HDV camera and when I captured the first short HDV 1080i clip to my Vegas 7.e, the capture clip was fragmented arbitrarilly in some clips, independently of the (only one) camera stop.
This fragmented clips were diferent each time I tryed to capture.
My system is an old AMD K6 II, 1,8MHZ.
Could this Vegas behavior be explained by the poor power of my hardware, meaning I must buy a new system to capture correctly 1080i stuff?


Dave Blackhurst
December 11th, 2007, 03:36 PM
Um, yeah, need to trade the old burro for a racehorse. Likely you are dropping frames (should be a readout for that in the capture window, dropped frames should be "0").

Ron German
December 12th, 2007, 05:51 AM
Thank you Dave
So there is nothing "wrong" with my new camera or Vegas or the comunication between them, but the incapacity of the hardware?

Joe Busch
December 12th, 2007, 06:04 AM
I've actually had similar issues with a high-end system. I got erratic frame-captures and dropouts from the actual Vegas capturing program.

Before you try upgrading, look into the program HDVSplit ( It's what I use now for capturing and I like it a lot more than the Vegas for capturing HDV.

Ian Hay
December 12th, 2007, 06:31 AM

From reading similar problems on this forum in the past, one thing you might look at is the firewire port/cable. First, is the HV20 the only thing connected via firewire? A lot of people have had trouble capturing via firewire if there is another device (e.g. an external drive) connected via firewire at the same time. Beyond that, you may have a problem with the firewire card/adaptor itself.

Ron German
December 12th, 2007, 07:02 AM
Thank you Joe and Ian.
In fact, there is only the HV20 connected to my system and my old Sony PC 105 (I donated last sunday) was having no problem to capture sd stuff.
I started having problems when I begun capturing 720p footage from my JVC HD100a - the preview window has presented a long delay showing me the images reproduced by the camera(VCR).