Edward Pahati
December 11th, 2007, 10:11 AM
i'm trying to stay away from QT7.3 like that dragon-monster that tried to kill me in my dream when i was about 6 years old - i ran like hell into my parents bed....
alright alright, enough of the flashbacks... i want to reinstall my OS before installing FCS2 (since everyone thinks that's the best way to go). however, will i have problems getting QT7.2 back? is it something that should worry me? are there steps i can take to keeping QT7.2?
thanks fellas.
David Knaggs
December 14th, 2007, 02:42 PM
Hi Edward.
For what it's worth, Quicktime 7.3.1 has just been released.
I'd been holding off (still using 7.2) but decided to take the plunge (although I made a copy of 7.2 and stored it on an external drive before I tried the update, just so I could change back if I needed to).
FCP works fine with it, although I haven't tested it on the other FCS applications yet.
I'd be interested to hear from others (who'd had problems with 7.3) whether 7.3.1 has helped with these problems.
I took the plunge because you can't install the new FCS updates (and there are many) without it. I particularly wanted to experiment with DVD Studio Pro's new ability to make an HD DVD from an exported HDV 720p25 movie. Even if I'm just making a disk image (as I don't have an HD DVD burner yet) at this stage. And I believe that many bugs with Color have been fixed with the new update. I'm hoping that QT 7.3.1 will help reduce the FUD that's been around about updating since 7.3 was released. That's why it'd be nice to hear from those who'd earlier had problems and getting their feedback on 7.3.1.
Robert Lane
December 14th, 2007, 03:38 PM
Most of the issues with QT 7.3 have been resolved however, most (not all) of the people experiencing issues with the newer version were also either on systems that were not a clean-install of the OS or are using very old versions of either OS or FCP.
However, if you want to keep QT 7.2, go here:
After you reinstall the OS and *before* you do anything else, go to sys prefs and TURN-OFF automatic system updates. That way QT 7.3 won't try to sneak in the back-door.
If you install the OS clean, and have all the updates you shouldn't have any issues with QT 7.3 - but try a test first.