View Full Version : Adobe Premiere CS3 to Final Cut - How to do it?
Sharon Pieczenik December 10th, 2007, 06:43 PM Hello,
I had to capture my footage in Adobe Premier Pro because of the issues with my JVC camera and final cut. However, I (and the other editor I am working with) would love to edit in final cut.
Is there an easy way to open up the mpeg2 files (it was shot in HDV) that were captured in Adobe and edit them in Final Cut?
Can I edit in the mpeg2 format in final cut and what do I have to setup in terms of sequences, preferences, etc in final cut for it to work? (Because the girl I am working with said she tried to bring files over from Adobe to final cut last night and it didn't work...I wasn't there so I don't know all the details).
Do I have to convert all my files to Quicktime to edit in final cut? If so, and we are talking a lot of files, what is the best way to do it?
Thank you for your help. If I am repeating a post, I am sorry. I did try and search for answers to these questions...I would get something close but not close enough for me to understand.
Bart Walczak December 11th, 2007, 09:41 AM MPEG StreamClip, convert to any format you like. There is no other way for FCP and JVC. You can use Cineform Codec to retain all information and use the footage in FCP.
Sharon Pieczenik December 11th, 2007, 08:55 PM Can you explain the Cineform step a bit? What is it for exactly?
Matthew Pugerude December 15th, 2007, 10:30 AM Hey Sharon
It is a plug in that you buy and it works great on the PC and they have recently released a version for the Mac that will work in Final Cut. They are the only easy solution out there that talkes to both PC and Mac. The only hitch is that you would have to capture all your footage again or run it through Cineforms HD link program. you can download a trail version that last for 15 days. I use the Cineform Aspect HD on my Premiere Pro System and I love it I would not edit HD with out it on a PC.
Steve Oakley December 15th, 2007, 09:12 PM there are a few different QT codecs which are common to both mac & PC, but the most relevent one would be photojpeg. set at 90% is should be about lossless. Any app which can batch process clips will do from AE to media cleaner, procoder, ect. bottom line is HDV files capture via Prem Pro won't work anywhere else, and FCP captured files won't work in PP :(. Complain to apple, complain to adobe it should just work. about the only thing you might be able to do is export a EDL from PP and use that as a load list in FCP
Nathan Quattrini December 16th, 2007, 09:39 AM does this go the other way too? If you capture in Final Cut and want to use Premiere? Or can premiere edit what final cut captures?
Brandon Wong December 16th, 2007, 04:19 PM I need to know the same thing, too. I've been editing some things in Final Cut at school, and some things in Premiere 2.0 at my house. My project is due on tuesday, so this is pretty urgent for me.
I finished editing some scenes in premiere and hopefully I can just stick the movies into final cut, is that possible though? If you must know, I exported my movies from Premiere 2.0 into Microsoft DV AVI files, can those be loaded up into Final Cut Pro? If I am not able to load it up into Final Cut Pro, then what file do I need to export the scenes into?
So basically, what is the compression when you capture videos in Final Cut Pro?
Steve Oakley December 16th, 2007, 05:28 PM I need to know the same thing, too. I've been editing some things in Final Cut at school, and some things in Premiere 2.0 at my house. My project is due on tuesday, so this is pretty urgent for me.
I finished editing some scenes in premiere and hopefully I can just stick the movies into final cut, is that possible though? If you must know, I exported my movies from Premiere 2.0 into Microsoft DV AVI files, can those be loaded up into Final Cut Pro? If I am not able to load it up into Final Cut Pro, then what file do I need to export the scenes into?
So basically, what is the compression when you capture videos in Final Cut Pro?
HDV cross captures won't work either way. AVI DV files will open into FCP. FCP will spit out an alert about the files not being "optimized", just click thru ok and they will work ok.
If you have PP CS3 it plays nice with QT files. its only HDV thats a problem because they capture the files differently and in a incompatible way with each other.
Brandon Wong December 16th, 2007, 05:38 PM Oh no, don't worry, I'm not doing any HD, if you're thinking that might be a problem. These are just footage from my Optura XI. So, DV AVI files will definitely work on the FCP timeline?