View Full Version : Is studio pro and PS3 compatible?

Aric Mannion
December 10th, 2007, 02:38 PM
If I make an HD DVD (w/hdv) in studio pro, can I play my DVD in HD on a PS3. I guess the PS3 plays blue rays, which macs can't make yet?

Warren Kawamoto
December 10th, 2007, 10:39 PM
PS3 does not play HD-DVD. Instead, render your hi def timeline to an .m2t file and download it to your PS3 hard drive. Looks amazing!

Aric Mannion
December 12th, 2007, 12:09 PM
I just saw a $999 blue ray burner for apple computers. I can't get that, but it does mean there's hope right? In other words making blue rays is not too far out of reach...

Kaku Ito
December 12th, 2007, 12:26 PM
besides the HD DVD (no one seems to make HD DVDR), did you miss this thread?

Aric Mannion
December 12th, 2007, 02:50 PM
besides the HD DVD (no one seems to make HD DVDR), did you miss this thread?

I hadn't seen that thread. What type of blank dvds did you use to make blue-rays? I've been confused about HD DVDs because I guess that's different than an HD video on a blank dvd-r. Could you clear this up a little for me?

Kaku Ito
December 12th, 2007, 07:52 PM
HD DVD and Blu-ray are totally different media just like VHS and Beta.
So the hardware are different so is the way they gets recorded and read.

Generally, if you are making HD DVD then you have to get HD DVD-R drive to burn it, if Blu-ray, then you have to get Blu-ray-R drive.
I installed Blu-ray drive by Panasonic installed in my Mac Pro.

Aric Mannion
December 13th, 2007, 10:54 AM
HD DVD and Blu-ray are totally different media just like VHS and Beta.
So the hardware are different so is the way they gets recorded and read.

Generally, if you are making HD DVD then you have to get HD DVD-R drive to burn it, if Blu-ray, then you have to get Blu-ray-R drive.
I installed Blu-ray drive by Panasonic installed in my Mac Pro.

Ok so to make an HD DVD, can you use the standard burner in a new Macpro with a simple DVD-R? Or you need a special DVD/burner?
How do we classify HD burned w/ a standard burner onto a DVD-R?