View Full Version : A1 not recognized by NLE

Brenda Drennan
December 9th, 2007, 02:16 PM
I'm having trouble getting Vegas to recognize my A1 when connected. Last night I downloaded Vegas Version 8.0c The firewire is acknowledging that a device has been connected. I then went back to a copy of version 6 which responded to play - stop controls on the camera and the stop/capture controls in the program it still would not give me a video picture. Can anyone help me please?

Richard Hunter
December 9th, 2007, 04:56 PM
I'm having trouble getting Vegas to recognize my A1 when connected. Last night I downloaded Vegas Version 8.0c The firewire is acknowledging that a device has been connected. I then went back to a copy of version 6 which responded to play - stop controls on the camera and the stop/capture controls in the program it still would not give me a video picture. Can anyone help me please?

What you get from the camera depends on the Downconvert setting. If this is ON, you will get DV type video and you need to use the Vegas External capture programme (look under preferences). If it is OFF, you will get HDV type video and you need to use the Internal capture programme.

If you mismatch the camera and capture settings, you can't connect to the cam.


Brenda Drennan
December 10th, 2007, 11:20 AM
Thank you for your response, I check on these settings tonight. I know that I have downconvert set on the camera.
Thanks again.

Steve Yager
December 10th, 2007, 02:52 PM
I'm not familiar with Vegas, but I've found that in Final Cut, before you hook up the firewire cable to the camera you have to turn it on to VCR mode, and then go to the menu and make sure its not set to automatic. Set it to either HDV or DV depending on what mode you shot in. That helped me.