View Full Version : Price too good?

Todd Mathews
December 9th, 2007, 12:32 PM
After using a trial version of Vegas 8.0 / Premier CS3 I have decided to go with Vegas. I found it much more intuitive and my needs are fairly simple. I went to the B&H website and can buy the package for 500 OR buy Vegas 6 for 99 and then buy the Vegas 8.0 upgrade for 99.... total 198. What am I missing here? Lack of future upgrade paths? This is even way cheaper than academic pricing. I want to avoid the "If it sounds to good to be true..."

Colin Sato
December 9th, 2007, 01:26 PM
This is a very common path to Vegas 8 and the same one I used, although I did use 6 for a year before doing it.

Joseph Hutson
December 9th, 2007, 01:36 PM
How long until retailers or Sony for that matter realize what people do in a case like that that?

People could make a living selling those kind of things, and make a couple hundred bucks on eBay!

Of course they wouldn't tell people how they buy the software so cheap.

Chris Barcellos
December 9th, 2007, 01:45 PM
How long until retailers or Sony for that matter realize what people do in a case like that that?

They are all aware.. It has been around for years. 6 comes with a disk only, no box or documentation, except what on .pdf on disk. BH, who sells a lot of camera, probably made a deal with Vegas to sell that version as entry for camera users into this level of editing. Sony is happy to get pro level users using the software.

The Upgrade comes with a, I think for additional dollars. Early adopter had to pay more. I went 6 to 7 for $150, and did order the box. When 8 came out, I bought it early by upgrade from Sony by download at $150.00. So this is common expectation. Retailers depend on walkins, while these download upgrade situation are for regular users who have been or will become regular users of Vegas, an expectation in the software business.

Giroud Francois
December 9th, 2007, 01:47 PM
this is a counter productive behavior from editor, letting users believe that software cost nothing, and the ultimate solution is getting it for free.
After all if you can get it for 500 or 200 and it make no difference for the editor, getting it for free should not hurt them either.
It is the same when you fly in a plane. Just ask the next seat how much he pays for his ticket and be ready for a surprise...

James Eaton
December 9th, 2007, 01:52 PM
I believe the $99 version is Vegas-only, no DVDA. I'm sure others will corrrect me if that is not the case. Thx...

Jeff Harper
December 10th, 2007, 12:26 AM
I imagine that the vast majority of software buyers are not interconnected as we are. Therefore, the majority of buyers pay full price. The number of people buying old versions and upgrading cheaply is likely insignificant.

Vegas is still a second tier program and Final Cut is only growing more and more popular as Macs gain in popularity, so it is more important at this point for Vegas to infiltrate the market than for them to worry about losing a "few" dollars on a relatively few sales.

I would suspect Sony knows full well people do this and are glad of it.

Chris Barcellos
December 10th, 2007, 12:11 PM
I believe the $99 version is Vegas-only, no DVDA. I'm sure others will corrrect me if that is not the case. Thx...

This is not my experience. My original 6 I think was Vegas only, but the upgrades 7 and 8 included latest versions of DVD Architect.

Gerry Gallegos
December 10th, 2007, 12:20 PM
even with the more inexpensive paths to (legit) ownership, I decided to go ahead and purchased the boxed package for the simple fact that you do get more "goodies" by this method , not to mention I got a package (from sponsor seller) with free VASST training videos 1,2,3 and 8, which after watching has made me feel that they are worth every penny in their retail price, its the ultimate owners manual. and after you add up the price of all the "goodies" its cheaper this way, you are just making a commitment to get more at once, and you have a better upgrade path. I cant recommend the VASST training videos enough, they made ownership worth it, to some one like me that hates to read manuals and learns better from watching some one else do it and explain as they are doing the functions. not to mention the inclusion of DVDA.

Just my 2cents.

Ron Wilber
December 10th, 2007, 02:10 PM
dudes this sounds good, where can I buy a copy of vegas 6?

Chris Barcellos
December 10th, 2007, 02:14 PM
BH Photo. Order on line.

Be sure to confirm availability of upgrade as Sony before you go this route.

Ron Wilber
December 10th, 2007, 05:02 PM
cool thanks!

Sam Houchins II
December 10th, 2007, 06:25 PM
Just seconding the post above... I've bought and am using this BH $99 V8 upgrade from 6, and it includes DVDA Pro 4.5

Alan Henderson
December 12th, 2007, 03:51 PM
Sony sells the same upgrade for $234.00.


Todd Mathews
December 16th, 2007, 09:24 AM
Okay guys it did work. Got the vegas 6 and the pro 8 upgrade. The only hiccup is I run XP x64 and had installation problems. Vegas 6 installed fine but when I went to install the 8 upgrade it needs .net framework 3.0 which by default will try to install the 32bit version which will kick you out of the intall program. Now instead of going to windows website and trying to find the program you need, I just realized you can probably browse the disk and find it. Then it installed fine..

Albert Rodgers
December 16th, 2007, 12:31 PM
Hey guys,

I went to BH today to see the V8 upgrade for $99 and could not find it. Could this have been a promo?
Also, they sell V6 cd for $79 . What is going on?


Joseph Hutson
December 16th, 2007, 01:47 PM
I am so happy for you.

Sam Houchins II
December 16th, 2007, 05:43 PM
Vegas 8 Pro upgrade from 6 or 7 for $99 is here @ B&H Photo:
It's actually in their consumer video editing section. I found it with a search on their site for "Vegas 8 Pro upgrade."

Mike Kujbida
December 16th, 2007, 06:22 PM
Be advised that B&H forgot to tell you that you must have either Vegas 6 or 7 on your machine for this to work.
The Upgrade to Vegas 8 Pro ( thread on the Sony Vegas forum spells this out quite clearly.
Look for the reply from user Mountain Ghost for the details.

Chris Barnes
December 17th, 2007, 08:37 AM
Okay guys it did work. Got the vegas 6 and the pro 8 upgrade. The only hiccup is I run XP x64 and had installation problems. Vegas 6 installed fine but when I went to install the 8 upgrade it needs .net framework 3.0 which by default will try to install the 32bit version which will kick you out of the intall program. Now instead of going to windows website and trying to find the program you need, I just realized you can probably browse the disk and find it. Then it installed fine..


Did you try DVD Architect? Did it come on the Vegas 6 disk? If not, did the upgrade create the latest version (4.5)?

I am thinking about doing the same thing.

Chris Barnes

Sam Houchins II
December 17th, 2007, 04:38 PM
I personally know of two others that went this route... Vegas 6 to Pro 8 upgrade. DVDA Pro 4.5 is bundled with no further strings attached in the Pro 8 upgrade disc, in spite of the V6 disc not having any DVDA. If you qualify for the V8 Pro installation, you'll get access to DVDA Pro 4.5 as well :-)

Jim Andrada
December 17th, 2007, 11:20 PM
Not exactly on topic, but FYI when I was looking into After Effects I found an older version online (I think at Amazon) for not much and all the upgrades have been free of problems and 100% OK for activation. If you search around you can often find older versions of most popular software that can be upgraded. Your mileage may vary, caveat emptor, etc, but I saved a bundle this way. Haven't checked to see if older versions of Vegas are still available, but it's possible.

Melvin Harris
December 18th, 2007, 10:56 PM
I just did it.

Vegas Pro 8, DVDA 4.5, Media Manager, etc.

Just this past minute

Works fine...

But I paid 99 for V6 and now it says 79...

Go figure

Richard Jones
January 16th, 2008, 08:14 AM

I just bought the $99 upgrade to Vegas 8 and was hugely impressed with the service from B&H. I placed the order on Friday morning and the package reached me in the UK on Monday morning - not bad when you think it had to be parcelled, sent to the airport, put on a plane, flown over the Atlantic etc., etc.

Just a word of warning. The postage was $35.55 on top of which I had to pay a handling charge, import duty and VAT amounting to £24.88 (approx. $50). Puts the price up a bit (to something like $185) but it's still a very good bargain as the DVDA upgrade is included as well.

First impressions? Very favourable although I've still to test it out properly as I only installed it yesterday.

Richard Jones

Daymon Hoffman
January 18th, 2008, 08:48 AM
I decided to grab this offer while it was around. I made my order from B&H on the 9th. And it arrived on the 15th. Damn quick. Considering i live down under. :) (didnt pick it up until today 19th). So i'll install it all tomorrow and see if ti works (20th). lol

Hopefully having had the trial in wont stuff anything up. I remember checking out v7 and its rendering options seemed better for a few formats then what v8 offers (e.g. PSP output had templates for 480x272 in v7, but in v8 it was 480x270. in v8 i seemed to have very poor quality and 'something is stuffed' output when it come to AVC or MPEG2 rendering). Something must have been broke. SO i really hope now i finally get the full version that it wont repeat and will be quality, as i seen in v7 when i tested it.

Ray Bell
January 23rd, 2008, 06:58 AM
Got my Vegas 6 and Vegas 8 upgrade in the mail today from B&H....

works great, no issues....

for those wondering, you do need to install Vegas 6 first, open Vegas 6 to load the SN, then install Vegas 8, open Vegas 8 to load SN...

then I un-installed Vegas 6, after making sure I didn't want any of the plugins there...

Works like a charm... actually very nice program... I can't wait to test some output disks...

Yi Fong Yu
January 23rd, 2008, 09:11 AM
bought it =D. was looking for this too!!! =D. thx2everyone!

Don Donatello
January 23rd, 2008, 02:02 PM
99 upgrade is better then the upgrade special ( i think it was good for 3 weeks) intro price sony gave V7 owners !!! i think we got a "special" 149 price !!!

Chris Wysocki
February 7th, 2008, 08:59 AM
I just bought vegas 6 and the pro upgrade. Thanx for the awsome money saver find. I have vista ultimate 64 bit. What's the best way to get this program installed correctly? I hear vegas 6 doesnt install well on vista or something. Anyone have some ideas. Thanx chris

Rick Johnson
February 7th, 2008, 11:53 AM
I’m running a new Vista machine and I bought the B&H upgrade to Vegas Pro 8. Unlike the upgrade to VP8 that Sony sells directly, Vegas 6 (or 7) has to be installed for the B&H upgrade to work. I called Sony and they told me to install Vegas 6, register it, install the upgrade to Vegas Pro 8 and then don’t touch Vegas 6 again. I also needed to download and install Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 (along with Service Pack 1).

So, Vegas 6 will install on a Vista machine . . . just don’t run it.

I did this in December, but in January, I read about another more direct solution Sony will provide that leaves Vegas 6 off the machine altogether:

It sounds like a better way to go:


Yi Fong Yu
February 11th, 2008, 02:00 PM
can u install v6 afterwards? i hate programs that take up disk space when it's not used.

Rick Johnson
February 11th, 2008, 05:24 PM
I’m told it might remove plug-ins that are shared with Vegas Pro 8. But I’m also told you should be able to backup the shared plug-in folder (C:\Program Files\Sony\Shared Plug-Ins), and then restore it to the proper location after the uninstall . . . if anything is missing.

So far I have chosen NOT to do this, and am currently content to just let it sit there unused.