View Full Version : dmb video - "Something better than nothing"
David Mathew Bonner December 9th, 2007, 03:08 AM I have been busy editing,
Here is another vid. This was shot a while back and I am itching to get into the newer stuff I shot in HDV and 16:9 -
I know some of you will have trouble watchin 4:3 but my backlog was large.
I hope you enjoy it.
Curt Talbot December 9th, 2007, 09:00 PM Interesting video, David. I am not sure what to think. It seemed like an odd location (office tower/mall). The music seemed odd as well given the subject matter. Overall, it seemed like a bunch of people dressed up in wedding clothes that were bored of sitting around.
But, if the couple liked it, to each their own, I guess!
None of the magic/tenderness/emotion I tend to think weddings are made of. But it may be that I am just from a different era or planet.
Please take no offence as none is intended.
Ethan Cooper December 9th, 2007, 10:42 PM David,
The little blurb before this wedding video says that you're no longer doing weddings? What makes up the bulk of your work these days?
Carl Middleton December 10th, 2007, 07:30 AM I really liked the editing! It flowed really well with the music. I agree that the location was a bit funny, but they plan their own weddings, eh? :)
A couple of the shots when everyone was clowning around got a good chuckle out of me. I was especially amused by the contrast between what the guys do and what the women do when left on their own to clown around. :D
Jason Bowers December 10th, 2007, 11:17 AM Curt,
If you have followed David's work, he is renowned for the unconventional. It really makes his work stand out from everyone else. Great job editing and fast pace, bet the bride and groom love it! Sorry not to see anymore work from you though, best of luck. Merry Christmas
Matthew Craggs December 10th, 2007, 11:31 AM I liked it quite a bit. Out of the ordinary, for sure, but that's a good thing.
The only thing I would cut back on is the film scratches, but it does work with the song and if the clients like it, then I like it :)
It's also refreshing to hear a song outside of "At Last" or "Chapel of Love". It's an "out of the box" choice but reflects the personality of the subjects very well.
Great job.
David Mathew Bonner December 10th, 2007, 01:15 PM Thanks everyone,
I appreciate the comments and I am still waiting for the one that matters, and that is the bride :)
As far as location goes,
it rained on us and we where forced to find someplace inside to shoot.
This was a mall, office building near the church and close to the reception. At first, I wasn't gung ho about the local but after editing it, I appreciated the change of scenery that I normally edit to.
David Mathew Bonner December 10th, 2007, 01:45 PM David,
The little blurb before this wedding video says that you're no longer doing weddings? What makes up the bulk of your work these days?
Hi Ethan,
I have a number of weddings left to edit, which is keeping me busy and I keep getting other jobs come in. Some I take, some I don't. I have been doing some ENG work, media calls and giving the footage to news stations that need it. I have been doing more gigs where I just shoot, and I have been doing some low budget training videos that don't require a lot of work and pay ok.
My future plans are still unwritten. I did a shoot about a month ago now. I shot Self Help Guru, Tony Robbins and something he said made sense to me.
That was "being in a higher state when you make decisions" , no - not the nice dreams and up in smoke state, but being in a place where you feel good about your life.
One of the things that has been eating me up over the years, has been the 'backlog'. As I focus only on removing the jobs from my life, I feel better. As I feel better, I get glimpses of where I want to be down the road and how video productions will play a role in the future.
Anyways - sorry for the babble, but that is where I am at.
Art Varga December 10th, 2007, 06:37 PM David - nice work! Hey what's the market like for music video work in your neck of the woods? I did one recently for some band friends of mine and they've just asked me to do another. They are fun to do and a nice diversion from weddings but I don't know how much I could get paid for this. I have to think there is growing market though for music videos - almost a neccessity for any original music artist to have in their press kit. Any thoughts?
David Mathew Bonner December 10th, 2007, 07:12 PM David - nice work! Hey what's the market like for music video work in your neck of the woods? I did one recently for some band friends of mine and they've just asked me to do another. They are fun to do and a nice diversion from weddings but I don't know how much I could get paid for this. I have to think there is growing market though for music videos - almost a neccessity for any original music artist to have in their press kit. Any thoughts?
Hey Art, there really is not set price, you have to more or less just work with each group and set a budget. Depending on my work load and attitude at the time, my costs change, and my desire to work for less changes as well :)
Another market you should look into is band promo clips and its needed for bookings. Those are cheaper productions, video a set or two and cut the best segments into a montage of 3 to 5 minutes.
Most bands cant afford more than 1k for, if that. Its a pretty simple gig and edit.
David Mathew Bonner December 11th, 2007, 04:11 PM Thanks everyone,
I appreciate the comments and I am still waiting for the one that matters, and that is the bride :)
Bride responded today and used the word "love" three times in one sentence :)