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Daniel Alexander
December 8th, 2007, 08:51 PM
Just trying to find a clear update on the 32 bit option in vegas 8. Last time i checked in, if you did any colour correcting in 32 bit space, when you rendered the file you would get a 'dirty or different' picture which could be described as an un-predictable result.

Just wondered if there was any clear and simple way to work in 32bit space yet, then render out to an avi file or to tape and get an exact copy of what i'm seeing on the timeline, 'clear and simple' being the operative words

Thanks Peoples

Glenn Chan
December 9th, 2007, 12:36 AM
1- I presume you aren't talking about bugs, but rather how levels work in 32-bit.

2- To keep things simple, I highly recommend that you use a compositing gamma of 2.222.

3- A short and simple answer is:

You'll get proper levels if all of the below are true:
a- You stay in 32-bit. 8-bit preview and render can differ / throws a wrench into this plan.
b- You only work with codecs that work with computer RGB levels. HDV, MPEG2, most quicktime, some/most AVI, stills.
c- You don't use codecs that work with studio RGB levels... e.g. DV and Cineform.
d- Don't use the uncompressed codec.

If you don't satisfy all of the above, you will need to manually wrangle levels (see 5).

4- There are particular situations in Vegas which are not WYSIWYG. Including video output through firewire. And particular settings can make your video not WYSIWYG.

5- For a full explanation, read:

Daniel Alexander
December 9th, 2007, 12:58 PM
As usual, great info Glenn. Thankyou