View Full Version : Anyone download my short? Remember me?

Sean McHenry
December 6th, 2007, 11:08 PM
Hello folks, been away along time now so if you forgot me, I understand. I have drifted into shooting more on film including Super 8 and 16mm experimental stuff. To catch up with my stuff, check out my web sites below in the sig.

I am looking for an old short I did for DVC4 that I titled "Off the Radar". It was about a guy that has amnesia, finds out he's actually Santa clause. Had the chalk outline of a reindeer in an accident scene. It wasn't that memorable but I am hoping someone saved a downloaded copy of it to a CD or something. I may have a copy someplace but as I wasn't that happy with it I eliminated my source footage too quick and now I don't have a copy any longer.

I want to take a second here to thank the DVChallenge for getting me off my couch and shooting. If it hadn't been for those early success here I wouldn't have shot the over 25 shorts I have in the past 2 years. Most have been for me but I have been shooting a lot more for others and spreading the joy. I also got involved with the local Indie Club, Columbus, Ohio chapter and that further spurred me onward.

For those that haven't kept up, and why would you really, I have 2 shorts playing on MTV Italy that were direct results of shorts made for the DVChallenge. In fact, they were my entries for 2 challenges. I have also had several shorts shown on the big screen at a local theater here as part of a festival, one was shown in France at a festival and now, WOSU TV (a PBS station) is doing a show on Ohio Filmmakers and I am going to be one of the folks in that show. I was also recently asked to be one of the first 50 people to start the new film section on the old and very established site.

As I say, I have drifted to shooting non-narrative type odd stuff and am working with film more now. As a result I have bought over a dozen old 8mm wind-up film cameras, Super 8 cameras and to 16mm cameras and have used them all at some point at least once now. The fridge is stocked with a bunch of various film stock and I keep buying more. Just bought a roll the other night on Ebay as well as another regular 8 zoom lens Canon camera.

Things are fun around here and film has become a big part of my life over the past few years, all as a result of getting involved with shooting for the DVChallenge. I am working on a grant proposal for a film grant for the summer of next year to try something much more professional and artistic with a violinist from the Columbus Symphony Orchestra and a few ballet dancers, etc. I am even toying with the idea of working with a friend and starting a film festival for actual film submissions this coming year.

I hope to stop back more often in the future. Please feel free to drop me a line or stop by the web pages and see what the heck I have been doing. My favorites I have done are "The Lottery Will be Televised" and "The Elevator" featuring music from Moby in the soundtrack, used with permission naturally.

Everyone keep at it. It's great fun to shoot, edit and show what you had in your head, even if in my case, it doesn't always make sense to anyone else, as in my latest oddball short "The Waste".

To all my wonderful friends, Hello!

You can keep up with me at the following web sites;

Lorinda Norton
December 7th, 2007, 01:09 AM
Hey Sean, it’s about time you resurfaced! Here I thought you somehow got sucked into one of your own movies and were trapped. ;) Nice to see you again.

I’m sorry to say I didn’t keep yours or anyone else’s movies that I downloaded for judging. Just to be sure, I checked on a couple old computers I still access occasionally, including the recycle bins. Darn it, I still remember the bulk of “Off the Radar,” too, but that doesn’t do you any good. I hope you run across a copy of it there someday.

Do you think you’d be okay with uploading your movies on YouTube? Benjamin has developed an awesome program that puts all the DV Challenge movies in one place, and it would be really nice to have yours on there, especially your winning DVC 2 entry.

Glad to see you’re enjoying yourself. Happy filming!

Robert Martens
December 7th, 2007, 03:58 AM
Hey, he's back! Good to hear from you again, Sean, and you're in luck. Among the three and a half plus gigs of DVC entries I've downloaded, the Quicktime version of your film is among them. Let me just upload it to my website and I'll send you an email.

Sean McHenry
December 7th, 2007, 08:57 AM
Thanks Martin for the link. Got it from the Yahoo account. I am uploading it now. If I can figure out the tagging for that program I will upload them all. I saw the program and loaded it up last night. I may need to talk to Benjamin about this application. Where I work we do a lot of archiving of spots for clients and this is great how it automatically parses new material. We could almost use something like that.

Lorinda, thanks for the kind words and yeah, it is a little like getting sucked into a movie of the week. Since I have been MIA I have had my gallbladder removed and last week I was in for a repair to my abdominal wall. While they had the camera inside me for the gallbladder yanking, they found the beginnings of a hernia so I had that repaired since the insurance deductible was met for the year with the last one. Basically - free operation! Cool, sort of. Still a bit painful but recovering nicely.

I am not sure how involved I am going to be for a while if ever again as I am doing so darned much in other places. As you read in the earlier note, things have bloomed here. Not in the way of paying gigs but that's fine I have a good job. It's just been so great having such a wonderful creative outlet. Again, all due to that first DVChallenge I entered. DVC2.

I will work on the tags and see if I can make it work out. All my shorts are on Google right now and a few are on YouTube as well. The trouble with Youtube is their upload limitations as far as file size. I'll see what I can come up with. Don't be too surprised if all of a sudden they all show up.

Sean McHenry

Lorinda Norton
December 7th, 2007, 10:00 AM
Among the three and a half plus gigs of DVC entries I've downloaded, the Quicktime version of your film is among them.
Wow, Robert, that is so cool! Not that we could do anything without the authors' permission, but you don't happen to have the DVC1 entries, do you?

Sean McHenry
December 7th, 2007, 11:04 AM
For the record, I have always told everyone involved in my odd ball projects that they own it as much as I do. I know that's not normal but I do tell them that. I allow anyone that was part of my little productions to do whatever they want with the pieces. Braodcast them, display them, make DVDs, whatever. That's fine with me as I am just getting started and am not planning to sell them or make it in Hollywood. Just makes sense to let folks pass them around.

My only stipulation on that is that they are not allowed to edit them in any way. They live or die as I made them. That's it. No "mash-ups", no borrowing bits, etc. It must stay as I edited it.

Same goes for the folks here too I suppose. It would be nice to know where they are being used or shown but I really don't care what happens to my shorts as long as they stay intact. What I am publicly saying is, if anyone wants to make compilation DVDs or whatever, you got my OK on any of my DVC entries. Just let me know when and where and as long as there is no profit made off the sales of the "product" they are part of, I'm cool.

If there is a profit, naturally, I want in on it. :)


Robert Martens
December 7th, 2007, 03:13 PM
You're welcome, McHenrie, glad I could help. :D

Lorinda, I have all but Jon Jones' entry for the first competition. Once this special DVC forum was started, and all those threads for the various competitions popped up, I grabbed what I could, though most of the older links were dead.

I've got most entries for everything through the eighth contest, but I haven't kept up with recent material. There are plenty of free programs and websites to let you download Youtube videos (I'm partial to YouTube Downloader ( myself), but I've gotten lazy--yeah, 'gotten'--and let things slide.

Sean, I've been doing my own research into Youtube on the off chance I one day have something I'm not embarrassed to show people, and though I've yet to test anything, I have picked up a couple of tips.

Youtube's flash encoder makes everything mono, but H.263 supports stereo, and it seems that if you encode the file yourself with stereo audio, it won't be touched on upload. Which brings me to my next point: you can upload FLVs yourself. They didn't allow it at first, for some reason (why waste processing power on their end if we're all willing and able to do the work ourselves?) but they do now, and they don't advertise it.

Dedicate all of your bits--at whatever bit rate you like, not what Youtube's pipeline decides is best--to a 320x240 Spark encode (they make a big fuss about 640x480 MPEG4 becoming their new standard for iPhones, Apple TV, and all that, but for the time being it's still 320x240 Flash 7 video, if I'm not mistaken), thereby maximizing quality and efficiency. No bigger a file than you need, and quality that makes people second guess their opinions about the site.

Lorinda Norton
December 7th, 2007, 03:37 PM
You're welcome, McHenrie, glad I could help. :D

I was mostly worried about Aaron Koolen's entry and anyone else we haven't seen around these parts in quite some time. Aaron's winning entry was pretty funny...

About Jon's first effort, maaaaybe I can talk him into posting it. Mitchell's, too.

Thanks, Robert. I'm still amazed that you had the foresight to grab what was still available.

Sean McHenry
December 7th, 2007, 04:42 PM
Sounds like you have all mine too then but should you need higher quality versions of any of them, I still have a master tape or two lying about to make better quality versions from. I have been cataloging all my shorts for the WOSU TV project. They want to see everything we have done so they can decide what goes into the show. I'm not great at record keeping but I'm getting more disciplined at it since it's starting to matter now.

It's Friday night 'round these parts and that means date night with the wife-unit. First, I'm heading to a local watering hole called, believe it or not, BOMA (Bar of Modern Art) here in Cow-lumbus. It's across from the art museum. Kind of neat. The Film Commission is sponsoring a get together of all the local filmmakers and I am on the list so I'm not going to miss this chance to rub elbows with the big kids in town and see some old friends as well.

See you folks later.

I mentioned it on the other thread but I have all the DVC stuff on YouTube and I believe properly tagged. Hopefully they will show up soon on the application playlist.


Benjamin Durin
December 8th, 2007, 02:49 AM
Hey Sean, I am glad it is working so well for you.

I think the least you could do is send a bottle of Scotch to Dylan ;)

Jonathan Jones
December 9th, 2007, 11:51 PM
Lorinda, I have all but Jon Jones' entry for the first competition. Once this special DVC forum was started, and all those threads for the various competitions popped up, I grabbed what I could, though most of the older links were dead.

Hi Robert,
Try this link:

It is a link page to all of my DVC entries in which I participated, including my cringeworthy effort for DVC#1. I never actually took it down, but the only thing I can figure is that shortly after the competition judging was over, I did some reworking of my site pages and reorganized my link paths. I didn't even notice it until a few months ago and sent a link to Dylan to see if he could change the link on the DVC site, but he's been a busy boy (and besides, a broken link is just about as entertaining as the actual content of that entry, I must admit....'laughter')

I haven't gotten around to adding my older entries to Youtube yet, but perhaps with a few days to slow down around Christmas I'll be able to do that. In the meantime, I'll pretty much keep my DVC entry hub page up forever.


Jonathan Jones
December 9th, 2007, 11:56 PM
Sean, its great to hear from you in these forums once again, and its awesome that your continued efforts in film and video are proving so rewarding, if not monetarily, at least in recognition and the satisfaction of having created something original, entertaining, inspiring, thought provoking, or otherwise awesome. Right on.


Robert Martens
December 10th, 2007, 03:37 AM
Yes, that seems to have been the problem; 'Lunarparcel_Movies' in the old URL got replaced with 'DVC'. This completes my DVC 1 collection, thanks for the updated link!