View Full Version : Widescreen Crop Plug-in???

Ben Hillier
December 6th, 2007, 11:50 AM
Hi I've just completed editing a multicamera project, one camera 4:3 the other 16:9,. Although I cropped the 4:3 footage to match the widescrren footage, when I created the multicam project it turns it back to 4:3. Now Ive tried to put convert all the 4:3 clips to 16:9 by 'pasteing event attributes' but it won't work. All I can think is to use a crop plugin as a video FX and add this.....but is there such a plugin????

Edward Troxel
December 6th, 2007, 12:25 PM
Here's one:

However, you could have just rendered out that one track and then used the converted version for the multi-cam edit.

Ben Hillier
December 7th, 2007, 05:33 PM
Thanks Edward....yes, I should have rendered first....for next time....