Travis Reese
December 6th, 2007, 10:39 AM
I just got my new editing computer built and loaded up CS3. I notice that CS3 has no project preset for any format other than HDV which gives 1440x1080. Is there no preset for 1920x1080? Do I need some other software plugin to do this? I did import one of the .mp4 files (using the HDV setting) and it played fine on the timeline albeit without any sound. This could be a problem with the configuration however. Haven't had a chance to figure it out yet.
James Huenergardt
December 6th, 2007, 01:59 PM
Just got back from DV Expo West and according to Sony, Main Concept has a plug-in especially for the EX1 footage.
Also, Cineform will have support very soon too.
I just made a 'desktop' setup in PPro CS3 that's 1920 x 1080 and it seemed to work ok, but when I rendered the timeline, it wouldn't play anymore.
John Hewat
December 7th, 2007, 06:30 PM
I notice that CS3 has no project preset for any format other than HDV which gives 1440x1080. Is there no preset for 1920x1080? Do I need some other software plugin to do this? I did import one of the .mp4 files (using the HDV setting) and it played fine on the timeline albeit without any sound. This could be a problem with the configuration however. Haven't had a chance to figure it out yet.
You can create a custom preset of 1920x1080, but I'm always reluctant to do that in case I do something wrong.
I did that when I was downloading all the EX1 footage and it all worked fine. I created different projects for the different frame rates of the footage.