Thomas Gregory
December 4th, 2007, 11:08 AM
I found a 32gb express card here.
REALLY hoping it will work with the EX, or am I just dreaming a fool's dream?
Yang Wen
December 4th, 2007, 11:54 AM
They should make a SxS adapter that take CF cards..
like a miniSD -> SD adapter..
Jason Bodnar
December 4th, 2007, 12:15 PM
Hopefully if will once a Firmare update is released to approve this card. Because 32GB for the cost of an 8GB card is killer!
Tuomas Sebastien
December 4th, 2007, 02:03 PM
Yang Wen
December 4th, 2007, 02:22 PM
Sony should be smart and realize that people will be buying more of these cameras if it is able to use cheaper media. I still think this will be worth it even if I can't record in the overcranked mode.
Craig Seeman
December 4th, 2007, 02:43 PM
Juan Martinez of Sony has already said publicly that there will be a firmware update so the EX1 will be able to use less expensive cards. Those cards would be certified by Sony since not all cards would work. He did not say when the firmware update would happen though.
Paul Kendal
December 4th, 2007, 02:51 PM
The next time someone has a chance to talk with Juan, please ask him specifically when we can expect to have this firmware update available to us.
Brendon Lankford
December 4th, 2007, 02:55 PM
32gb Transcend express card for $288
Paul Cook
December 4th, 2007, 06:06 PM
32gb Transcend express card for $288
Yeah but did you read the reviews left by someone who bought one? Absolute rubbish write speed meaning this is a definite NO GO for the EX1.
No matter how much technology advances the old saying almost always holds true - you get what you pay for.
Yang Wen
December 4th, 2007, 08:34 PM
25Mbp/s is not that high of throughput either. The Transcend card might be slow compared to a 7200RPM hard drive, but it might be okay for the EX1. You're speaking with the assumption that Sony's SxS card is much much faster than this Transcend card.
Bob Grant
December 4th, 2007, 10:25 PM
Sony did say in overcrank the camera can hit 200Mb/sec!
Plus you need some headroom for file fragmentation I suspect.
Alexander Ibrahim
December 4th, 2007, 11:59 PM
This is a very low performance Expresscard. The write speed is only "up to 8MB/s" according to the Transcend site. That is a peak rate, not sustained.
I doubt very much the "soon to come" EX1 firmware update will work with such a slow card. I am sure it will test for speed and, if your card passes work.
I expect the minimum standard the EX1 will accept will be an Expresscard that writes at a sustained 10MB/s, or 80Mbps
In other words a bit more than double the 35Mbps needed for HQ , mode recording.
Of course, I wouldn't blame Sony one jot if they refused to "allow" the camera to work with cards that don't support the 22MB/s sustained rate needed for overcranked 720p at 60fps.
The reason? Filesystem fragmentation.
The truth- if the EX1 worked with this card then you'd probably be OK if you were recording a single take in SP mode.
HQ mode would be a bit sketchy, but would probably work most of the time.
Now, if you go into the card and delete some scenes and then start writing to the card again... you get fragmentation. The Transcend cards will fall to pieces (no not literally) and your camera may just stop recording or other 'odd' behavior.
This is good news for the future though. Today a 8Gbyte 800Mbit/s Expresscard is a high price item... in the future it will probably cost less than this Transcend card does today- maybe far less. It may even be made by Transcend.
On a related note... speaking of firmware upgrades and why the SxS cards are so highly specified:
I was told that the imager block runs in the shipping EX1 at 1080/60p all the time. It was hinted that there may be plans to make some of that overhead in the camera available to users at a future date. On SxS.
I somehow doubt that would come as a firmware update from Sony... but hey, who thought Sony would make a camera as nice as the EX1 at this price point before they announced it?
(I expected a camera like the Z7, but not the EX1.)
You may officially consider that a speculative rumor founded on a bit of engineering trivia that may not even be true. "For entertainment use only," as it were.
Jamie Allan
December 5th, 2007, 05:24 AM
The big difference is lack of 'SXS' which is an EX34 format developed by Sony/Sandisc to get much better - and consistent - speeds using Flash memory - the top rate is about 800 Mbps. The only cards that'll be qualified are SxS and the first non-Sony models will probably come from Sandisc.