View Full Version : Focus distance read out

Garrett Low
December 3rd, 2007, 12:22 PM
I was playing with the focus read out this weekend. To test my focusing I zoomed in and focused manually, then I used the PAF to see if I was off. Then I zoomed out and did the PAF again. The same objects stayed in focus but I noticed that the read out for the focus length (It is reading out in feet) changed substantially. It went from like 49 feet to 110 feet. So I tried it a bunch more and noticed that the focus using the PAF changed with the zoom.

Is there anything wrong with my camera or does the readout somehow apply a factor for the zoom amount? The focus didn't seem to change even thought the readout distance changed.

Chris Soucy
December 3rd, 2007, 03:12 PM
Yeah, it does that. It's no biggy - if you think about it, @ Z0 (full zoom out) you will most likely have stuff in the finder from practically zero feet away to infinity. If you check the central 50% of the finder (roughly what the focus sensor "sees") you will most likely notice there is stuff there at each of the distances the readout displays.

Then again, sometimes it just seems to "make up" a figure for the heck of it - usually gets the focus right tho'.


Garrett Low
December 4th, 2007, 12:46 AM
Thanks Chris,

I thought I was going nuts and even though my eye sight isn't that good I was pretty sure it couldn't be that bad.