View Full Version : Security; vehicle and studio alarms

Damon Mentzer
December 2nd, 2007, 02:15 AM
Greetings! After reading through Timothy Allen's thread about vehicles, and seeing some comments about alarms and window tinting, it got me thinking.... There are some really useful tips out there waiting to be written.

For my 93 Trooper, I purchased a Compustar system. These seem to be based on what features you want possible in the main unit, and then remote variety for range. I got the 2w900frm remote. I call it the "come get your butt kicked while your stuff is stolen" remote. Shows me on the remote what is happening to the rig, door open, window break ect.. many other features, the copustar system can range up to 1 mile. I believe there is a 1.5 mile and 3 mile system from someone else.

As for studio security, we've got bars over all windows and the glass main door. A simple twirl in the bars makes it look far classier than straight ones. It holds a strange classiness. And of course, alarm system tied to a private company which alerts the police. DOWNSIDE: when a picture fell off the wall, and the motion sensors went off, there was a 100+$ fee. oops!

Chris Harris
December 3rd, 2007, 06:21 PM
I hire a 24 hour armed guard to protect my HV20.

Anything less is inadequate.

Glenn Chan
December 3rd, 2007, 10:47 PM
Apparently the vast majority of alarm system alarms are false alarms and the police don't respond to them right away (if at all). May be different in your area.

2- Something else to watch for is people robbing you under your noses via social engineering (e.g. masquerading as someone who would be in your building and just taking stuff).