View Full Version : QT Batch Automation

Andrew Waite
December 1st, 2007, 04:03 PM
i'm looking for a way to make a script or automation of sorts to batch rotate a TON of quicktime clips.

basicly if you open up a clip in quicktime and hit 'command'+'J' it opens the "movie properties" then if you click "visual settings" inside the "video track" you can rotate the image and save it. done, no recoding or loss of quality.

i want to find a way to do that to a whole folder full of hundreds of clip that where show with a 35mm adapter so i can "flip" the image back to normal. does anyone know of such a script or automation? everything else i have found (such as mpeg streamclip or transformmovie) writes a new quicktime file, i don't want to do that, it takes to long, i just want to batch alter the quicktimes meta data or whatever it is to flip the clip 180 degrees.

any help would be awesome!

Andrew Waite
December 2nd, 2007, 03:54 PM
tried playing around with apple scripts and automator... can't make much sense out of either... someone out there i'm sure could figure something out... piece of cake.

Andy Mees
December 2nd, 2007, 09:34 PM

Miklos Philips
August 27th, 2008, 09:58 AM

That is not a Quicktime batch script it's an XML routine, a piece of software, and you have to pay for it if you want to use it on more than 15 clips

Nate Schmidt
August 27th, 2008, 02:27 PM
Using Automator for repetitive tasks in Final Cut Pro : Apple Final Cut Pro Tutorial (

A good article about using Automator for FCP related tasks, try to apply it to your workflow using Quicktime.

Greg Boston
August 27th, 2008, 03:41 PM
i'm looking for a way to make a script or automation of sorts to batch rotate a TON of quicktime clips.

basicly if you open up a clip in quicktime and hit 'command'+'J' it opens the "movie properties" then if you click "visual settings" inside the "video track" you can rotate the image and save it. done, no recoding or loss of quality.

i want to find a way to do that to a whole folder full of hundreds of clip that where show with a 35mm adapter so i can "flip" the image back to normal. does anyone know of such a script or automation? everything else i have found (such as mpeg streamclip or transformmovie) writes a new quicktime file, i don't want to do that, it takes to long, i just want to batch alter the quicktimes meta data or whatever it is to flip the clip 180 degrees.

any help would be awesome!

I think what you want to do is to go into QT, record a script of you rotating one of the clips as desired. Make this a 'droplet' on your desktop. Whatever file you drop onto that droplet will get opened, rotated, then saved.

I have some audio effect chains saved in STP as a droplet. Any file I drop onto it, will have the effects applied and then saved.
