View Full Version : xdcam ex transfer and osx leopard

Chuck Wall
November 30th, 2007, 12:44 PM

Just wondering if anyone has leopard and is using the xdcam transfer in fcut studio 2. Does it work? I wanted to upgrade if it did not mess up what is working.



Mike Medlock
November 30th, 2007, 01:02 PM
Hi, Chuck. I am running FCS2 in Leopard - I downloaded one of the disk images that have been floating around - XDCAM transfer loaded fine, recognized the clip and I was able to put it into an FCP timeline. DIdn't have time to do mre than that.

A side note: the latest version of After Effects is compatible with the mp4 files from the camera. No need to load in the entire folder - just the mp4 stream. Pretty cool.

Mike Williams
November 30th, 2007, 01:28 PM
Had a 1am-3am dilema after loading leopard on a fresh install of all my software onto a NEW HDD ( G5 dual 2ghz) ...

Compressor did not want to cooperate. Said verify compressor install and would not send project out. Took hours of mac forum to decide to just install old boot drive and old os and now Leopard is going to sit there in the box not to see the light of day until I feel like more punishment... the mac forums are ripe with FCP and leopard/compressor issues. As I mentioned three hours of intensive problem solving and I solved it by going back to tiger... :) Works GREAT!


Mike Medlock
November 30th, 2007, 01:40 PM
Mike, that's a good point. I had to reinstall FCS2 on my Mac Pro to get Copressor to work properly (I haven't done broad testing but it does seem to be working now - maybe I'll try some more outputs tonight to test it a bit further) but it was very frustrating. On the other hand, programs like Maya 2008, Photoshop/After Effects CS3, etc. seem to be running as well as they did on Tiger.

I do wonder what Apple is going to do when they run out of big cat names. Go with smaller breeds? "Coming soon: Mac OS X Calico"?

Dave Elston
November 30th, 2007, 01:53 PM
Go with smaller breeds? "Coming soon: Mac OS X Calico"?

LOL or Macavity OS X ..?

Chuck Wall
November 30th, 2007, 02:21 PM
thanks for the heads up about compressor. This is for my macbook pro which I dont use compressor. I just wanted to be sure I could get the xdcam ex footage in without issue.


Nate Weaver
November 30th, 2007, 03:29 PM
Took hours of mac forum to decide to just install old boot drive and old os and now Leopard is going to sit there in the box not to see the light of day until I feel like more punishment... the mac forums are ripe with FCP and leopard/compressor issues. As I mentioned three hours of intensive problem solving and I solved it by going back to tiger... :) Works GREAT!

There's lot of people having issues of course, but there's also lots of people who did upgrade installs.

I have FCS2/Compressor and Leopard living together pretty nicely at the moment, something I credit to a complete wipe of the drive before installing Leopard and FCS. There were some not-insignificant issues issues for a while, but seem to have been cleared up with the latest round of FCS updates.

Jae Staats
December 4th, 2007, 07:19 PM
I just had the same problem and spent the entire day trying various things until I finally came across something on a forum and it worked.

I simply went through my OS and Personal drives and removed all folders, applications and files that had to do with Compressor and QMaster. Then I reinstalled from the FCP Studio 2 disc which put Compressor and Qmaster back. Compressor wouldn't even load at this point, so I did a software update and that installed the new 3.0.2 version of Compressor and everything works now!

Looks like Leopard and Compressor are having problems where the 3.0 version won't work sometimes and when you try to upgrade to 3.0.2, it won't do it. So try the above solution as it seems to work or at least did for me.