View Full Version : 720p50 to dv-pal

Henrik Helms
November 29th, 2007, 02:10 AM
I have done a documentary shot in 720p50.
One of the places i deliver to needs to get it on DVCAM.
So what is the best way to go from 720p50 to dv-pal.
I tried via compressor to make a dv-pal compression. But it looks a bit jittery.
I think it is because of the conversion from 50 fps to 25 fps...

Any ideas how to do it right??

Marc Colemont
November 29th, 2007, 11:32 AM
Hi Henrik,

What kind of software did you use, as it otherwise is difficult to help. And PC or Mac?
In theory this should be very smooth in DV-Pal, as it also has 50 frames but interleased instead of progressive. If it looks like 25 frames you need to tweak a setting in your software.

Adam Letch
November 29th, 2007, 06:23 PM
can someone help with this. I just shot an event using 720 50p, thinking good slow motion, good with fast panning, didn't think how to get it on a DVD in PAL land, as I'm not really strong with my post work yet.

Thanks in advance


Henrik Helms
November 30th, 2007, 02:12 AM
Hi Henrik,

What kind of software did you use, as it otherwise is difficult to help. And PC or Mac?
In theory this should be very smooth in DV-Pal, as it also has 50 frames but interleased instead of progressive. If it looks like 25 frames you need to tweak a setting in your software.

Sorry I forgot to put that into the mail
I am working on FCP the latest edition.

I also thought it should be very smooth - but all the motion is jittering.

Marc Colemont
November 30th, 2007, 06:51 AM
Hi Henrik,

I have no FCP, so I cannot help you further with this one.
I personally use the HDlink software from Cineform to convert the edited files.

Henrik Helms
December 2nd, 2007, 01:33 AM
Does anybody else know the best way?
I ended up putting it out to betacam though my KONA card where the card downconverted for me realtime - this looks fine.
But if I had to go through firewire to my dvcam machine. What would then be my sequence or compressor setting to get a fine result to convert from 720p50 to DVCAM 25 fps