View Full Version : ConnectHD & Premiere CS3

Simon Dean
November 26th, 2007, 07:06 AM
I have ConnectHD and recently have started switching over to Adobe Premiere from Vegas. I've got After Effects working with it, but when I try and render out to Cineform with Premiere it says I don't have the license (Using VFW - there doesn't seem to be another option).

I've tried reinstalling ConnectHD to no avail. Are there files that need shifting around (Like in After Effects), or does it not work because I have to buy another version (Which I don't really need yet)?




Carl Middleton
November 26th, 2007, 09:34 AM

I'm not familiar with the specifics of ConnectHD, so I can't really give you an answer on whether you need another license, etc.... but I can say that AspectHD/ProspectHD has quite a few features for Premiere that are really in a whole different ballpark. Pan/zoom/rotates, color corrections, fast/slow motion, etc with no preview renders. Wonderful stuff. I highly recommend that you consider Aspect or Prospect, it'll make a *big* difference in your edit times!


Simon Dean
November 26th, 2007, 04:30 PM
I can understand how much help it can be, but I'm only just switching to Premiere and want to be able to import and export Cineform to get me going (All my footage is in Cineform from using Vegas).
I'm sure I'll upgrade one of these days...