Robert Bale
November 26th, 2007, 01:13 AM
hi will this fit on to a JVC HD 201 ???FUJINON A14x9 BERM-28
View Full Version : FUJINON A14x9 BERM-28 Robert Bale November 26th, 2007, 01:13 AM hi will this fit on to a JVC HD 201 ???FUJINON A14x9 BERM-28 Robert Bale November 28th, 2007, 02:58 AM I a stuck if it will fit or do i need an addaptor??? Adam Letch November 28th, 2007, 03:14 AM what the lens is yet, but my advise is to call Fujinon and take no chances, we were going this route with HD101's, got the 1/2 adapter, ordered upon 'professional' advise to get the 20x8.4BRM 38, both fuji parts, no probs right! Wrong!! Even though it states it nowhere on the Fujinon site, it's a Sony XDCam only lens, internal power pins instead of external power cable to servo(does this lens have extenal power?). The correct lens should have been the 20x8.4BRM SD, so close yet so far, now we have a lens we can't return, we ordered it from overseas, so it's on ebay. Also the flange on the lens didn't match the 1/2 to 1/3 inch adapter. So my advice is hire a lens, if necessary or possible the adapter, and try it out first, we used the BERM lens before with no probs, didn't even think there would be a difference in lenses as such, just a universal mount and power supply. Oh well, I've learnt my lesson :-( Adam Robert Bale December 3rd, 2007, 05:21 AM thanks adam. |