View Full Version : Sorry

Dave Robinson
November 21st, 2007, 04:45 AM
Hi all,

Sorry but unfortunately I've not had time to finish my piece due to work pressure etc...

I have a feeling that from watching other peoples work I had really gone off on the wrong tangent anyway.

Must say I'm very impressed by what I've seen so far and well done to all who completed their movies.

Again, sorry for not being able to compete but hopefully next time I'll sort something out.


Catherine Russell
November 21st, 2007, 10:23 AM
Hi Dave:

No worries! Lot's of people took the shark-tank dip this time around... I think we are all an easy going lot with very short memories when it comes to grace for not getting something in... I think the only time we are all really hard core, is simply what we put up in our own films.

See you next year!


Meryem Ersoz
November 21st, 2007, 10:47 AM
hey Dave, no apologies are required, just a dip in the tank with the sharks! (although i think your apology here more than suffices!) you are in great company, since 2 of our best shooters, Mat and Kevin, are paddling around in there, sipping their pints and waiting for February. It's just a big ol' party with the boys in the Tank (notice no girls landed there, just sayin'....)

Trond is usually the gatekeeper of RULE #11 HAVE FUN, but i'm gonna invoke it right now.

I promise an easy theme for everyone in february, come back and play with us!

and...there is no such thing as a "wrong tangent"...there is only "a unique interpretation of the theme."

Kevin Railsback
November 21st, 2007, 11:14 AM
We're eatin a bunch of baked beans here in the shark tank so we can turn it into a jacuzzi! Yeah, I bet you finishers are jealous now huh! :)

Brian McKay
November 21st, 2007, 11:24 AM
That sounds like a real gas......


Trond Saetre
November 22nd, 2007, 04:50 PM
Dave, don't give up!
All of us have different experience regarding video production, but we all are a great bunch of friends having a good time together with the uwol challenge.

Please stay with us!

Trond is usually the gatekeeper of RULE #11 HAVE FUN, but i'm gonna invoke it right now.
Meryem, thanks for invoking this when I was away.
This single rule is what means the most to me about making videos.
Without having fun, the videos would never be as good as they are. So it looks like every single one of us is following rule #11.