View Full Version : Uwol # 6 Moonglow
Dale Guthormsen November 20th, 2007, 07:30 PM Good evening everyone.
Open for comments as always. This was the hardest one for me this year. I came real close to not entering anything at all.
Ruth Happel November 21st, 2007, 01:39 AM You had some amazing footage. I am curious from a technical standpoint what equipment you used to shoot this.
I liked the music and thought it worked well with your footage- my only critique would be the music ended too abruptly.
This was a great take on the theme of night. I was amazed at all the details you captured- really fun and interesting to watch.
Thanks for sharing this.
David Gemmell November 21st, 2007, 07:34 AM Hi Dale,
This was a nice feel good movie - as my wife would put in. Perhaps it's the romance you talk about the moon offering?
The footage was superb and I loved the overall feel - with a beautiful music piece. For me, you probably could have let this movie go with no voice over - given the strength and feel of the images, combined with the great music choice.
I loved the "moonglow" shots starting at 1:40 - which you captured beautifully.
Great use of the theme Dale. Well done.
Catherine Russell November 21st, 2007, 07:42 AM Hey Dale:
Good heavens! Are you going to be famous for capturing a UFO on film? What was that?
The footage of the moon was incredible and very well done. Just as an afterthought, I think you could have just stayed with the footage of the moon the entire clip and done interesting things with the images to keep it captivating and moving.
Nice piece, Dale. Next time I look at the moon, I'll think of you!
Meryem Ersoz November 21st, 2007, 10:10 AM yes, the abrupt ending to the music was a real had me in a groove and dropped me off a cliff.
but these are some of the nicest transiting moon images in the entire Challenge. very pretty. what i liked about this piece is that it established a mood and other than the abrupt musical ending, followed it through, which i think is something i have not seen done as effectively in your previous entries.
it's funny how often people put up entries that they perceive as weak or thrown together, that the other players perceive as "their strongest yet." has anyone ever heard that saying, "you can't see your own eyeballs"....
Per Johan Naesje November 21st, 2007, 05:28 PM Dale, how could you end this lovely film in such a way!
Your moonshoots was real nice, albeit I could whish that you had been using two more clicks on the aperture. It was some burn out there.
I'm not sure what camcorder you're using now Dale, but the moon seem to be taken with a 300mm lens?
Dale Guthormsen November 21st, 2007, 07:59 PM Good evening,
First, the end. I had total intentions of fading out my audio. It is so easy to do I can't believe I forgot to do it. No excuse is good enough for that blunder (and I actually kind of have one). When I previewed it in QT I clicked it off at the last credit, obviously before the audio finished. Shame for Shame.
I shot with my xl2, I used my 100/400 and had it set to 300 as you guessed Per.
I wanted to shoot the moon as bright and with as much detail as I could and still keep the sky black as possible with as little visible grain as possible. When I reduced a stop or two the color of the moon altered and I seemed to lose the details on the inner edge that I liked. It also was a very bright night and the moon was white to the eye. On the first quarter moon at the end I stopped down because I wanted more of the moonglow look, I was very pleased with it
I set my gain to -3, then the ae shift to +1 (but I do not think this really did anything). I am actually pretty pleased with the look I got for these two shots..
As suggested i could have left the narrative out, had i done so I would have had to leave out the eratic light and it was the main reason I ended up getting anything together at all. I shot it with my zoom set at 200 so i could keep track of it and then zoomed in to a full 400mm to get the colored frame grab. It was really hard to get. Do you really want to know what it turned out to be?? It wasn't swamp gas, to cold for that.
Thats all for now i guess.
thank you for your comments
Gordon Hoffman November 21st, 2007, 09:59 PM Dale
Yes I want to know what it was! Personally I think your narration added something to the video. I think you did a good job other than the mentioned ending with the audio.
Gordon Hoffman
Bryce Comer November 22nd, 2007, 03:56 AM Dale,
I loved your images of the moon, can't say i can only take a glimpse of the moon whenever it is out, whether it is in the day or night! Your film did exactly that for me, i couldn't only just take a quick glimpse, i had to keep watching & be amazed by the shots you had. I really loved the shots of the moon with the clouds racing by, the timelapse on these shots really made them even better. Although the VO was very informative, i'm not sure if it was even needed, as your shots told the story so well.
Geir Inge November 22nd, 2007, 07:49 AM Hi Dale.
Very good shots of the moon Dale.
Moody music fits the film very well.
My personal opinion is that maybe white text would have worked better?
I also think the ending could have been worked on a little more.
I envy you your great shots of the moon.
Was it Aurora you had a glims of?
All the best.
Geir Inge
Dale Guthormsen November 22nd, 2007, 06:02 PM Good afternoon,
First, the light in the sky turned out to be a kite being flown with lights on it, go figure. I found this out the next day.
Here we get the nothern lights pretty often and quite surprisingly here we see quite a bit of red colored lights, twice my wife and I had them come down to the ground where we drove through the red light, amazing stuff. It was a poor shot as I couldn't get focus and I only had a couple seconds evenshowing the lights. It is pretty poor to be honest. I am still working on trying to get them. Seems the best answer is to shoot with a digital slr on a timer, then make a sequence out of the stills.
After seeing "one night love" I definitely think it would be way cooler to use white or moonglow colored letters!! This is the great thing about this challenge, I learn so much from all you guys. I am not making any winners but I have learned a lot over the last year!!!!! I do believe that I have improved in a couple areas.
Yes i could have done more on the end, I have a northernlights cg graphics I use but the amount of memory required kind of forbids its use at the end of a challenge. I really was planning on taking the dip in the tank, between work, health issues, almost no footage of value and a general lack of time. I only had two evenings to shoot and a couple hours to edit.
I keep saying I'll do better, maybe one of these times I actually will!!!
Next year, look out eh!!!
Trond Saetre November 23rd, 2007, 10:24 AM Dale, you keep surprising with your great videos, and you really delivered this time.
I loved every second of it. Thank you for bringing all those bright details of the moon. Wish I had a camera with such long lenses.
The detail about the sound at the very end is already mentioned, but other than that... PERFECT!
by the way, have you thought about maybe selling some of those moon shots? It isn't often tv shows us such bright images of the moon.