Antwuan Gabriel
November 19th, 2007, 12:24 PM
can anyone tell me the exact sizes of the screws that mount the Anton Bauer battery pack to the HD110u. I've seem to lose both of mine and need to know if I can get them at a local hardware store or if I have to order them from Anton Bauer. all help is appreciated.
Bob Hart
November 26th, 2007, 08:17 AM
If you know anyone who has a boxful of old CD player bits and pieces, you may find some matching screws. I did. They were a little longer than the originals with wide heads but same thread diameter and pitch.
Before using them, check depth by poking a little piece of fishing line down the screwhole to check if the screw will bottom out in the hole or screw right through and possibly find a circuit board and do damage.
The cam I played with had also been previously modded with small metal inserts where the screwholes are. Possibly the originals had stripped out.
Use a little contact adhesive on the screw heads after you fasten them down, but don't let it get on the screw threads.
Let a little of the contact adhesive wick in under the Anton Bauer adaptor/camera body junction at the corner nearest each screw, just a half-match head size drop, no more. This is not intended to glue the thing down to the camera but to help immobilise it and save the screws a little.
The combination of the small screws, their close spacing relative to the heavy mass hanging outboard of them and the narrow span of the dummy battery section which goes inside the JVC standard battery space is not a good support for the add-on battery system.
A 4mm bridge of white water-washable bathroom sealer on the lower left and right corners across the outside of the gap between the edges of the JVC standard battery space and the insert block on the Anton Bauer adaptor which replaces the actual JVC battery may also help immobilise the adaptor and save the slides inside the JVC battery space and the screws on top.
Don't let it run inside otherwise you'll never get it off again. Keep the camera pointed nose up until the sealer has hardened otherwise the stuff may run inside the gap and be impossible to remove.
To subsequently remove the bathroom sealer to enable the battery adaptor to be dismounted from the camera, thread a bit of nylon fishing line or wire under the dob of bathroom sealer and simply pull it out.
This suggestion is definitely NOT a factory approved mod. The risk is entirely yours.