David Knaggs
November 17th, 2007, 08:42 PM
I caught Blade Runner a few nights ago, re-mastered in 4k (I believe) and shown on a Sony 4k projector at the Astor theatre in Melbourne.
I hadn't seen 4k projection before and it was superb. Wow! I'd now love to see a 4k projection of a movie actually shot in 4k.
This cut might have been a bit different to the Director's Cut on DVD. I noticed a shot of a unicorn that Deckard (Harrison Ford's character) was recalling. That was new (to me) and I think was probably inserted to bolster the "Is Deckard himself a replicant?" theory. I couldn't quite swallow that theory though. The replicants could put their hands in boiling water or sub-zero liquid nitrogen with no ill effects plus had superhuman strength and could withstand lethal blows with an iron bar (Rutger Hauer's character) and only get a slight headache. Deckard was tossed around like a rag doll (even by the girls) and was easily hurt. So, unless he was a faulty pre-release "beta" model, I just couldn't buy it. And his human mortality (easily hurt) made a very good contrast to the menace of the replicants as he tracked them down.
It was good to see this cut of the director's vision. I definitely appreciated it. But, unlike the speaker who introduced the movie (and who spoke with disdain of the "studio interference" which led to the adding of the voice-over), I still prefer the original theatrical release version that I saw in late 1982. It had a profound impact on me at the time (and pretty much on anyone else who saw it) and, while it may not have been the biggest box-office success of Ridley Scott's career, it was, perhaps, his most influential movie.
And that got me to thinking (after that little speech and the movie) about what makes the action of inserting a voice-over "good" and what makes it "bad". (And the fact that the director and lead actor didn't like it does not automatically make it "bad".)
Would Sunset Boulevard have been as good without the voice-over by the dead guy floating in the pool. Would Sin City have been as involving without the voice-overs?
Billy Wilder once said that there were no rules about voice-overs. But just to make sure that the voice-over isn't telling the audience about things they're already seeing on the screen. And that it's a good way to cut five pages out of the script - just summarize it with a quick voice-over.
I've concluded that one definite "good" use of voice-over is when you have a lead character in a very degraded society (or situation). The voice-over can get you MORE EMOTIONALLY INVOLVED with the lead character by outlining his/her thoughts and moral code. Such as Marv in Sin City, who always liked hit men because no matter what he did to them, he never felt bad about it the next day.
You might not get that level of emotional involvement without the voice-over.
Of course, some filmmakers can very successfully get across the thoughts and moral codes of their main characters without using voice-over. I'm thinking (for example) of Howard Hawks with The Big Sleep and Rio Bravo.
Anyway, the new DVD release of Blade Runner (in Australia in December) should make everyone happy. I think (but I'm not 100% certain) it's got the original 1982 US theatrical release version, the international one (1982), plus at least two director's cuts.
I hadn't seen 4k projection before and it was superb. Wow! I'd now love to see a 4k projection of a movie actually shot in 4k.
This cut might have been a bit different to the Director's Cut on DVD. I noticed a shot of a unicorn that Deckard (Harrison Ford's character) was recalling. That was new (to me) and I think was probably inserted to bolster the "Is Deckard himself a replicant?" theory. I couldn't quite swallow that theory though. The replicants could put their hands in boiling water or sub-zero liquid nitrogen with no ill effects plus had superhuman strength and could withstand lethal blows with an iron bar (Rutger Hauer's character) and only get a slight headache. Deckard was tossed around like a rag doll (even by the girls) and was easily hurt. So, unless he was a faulty pre-release "beta" model, I just couldn't buy it. And his human mortality (easily hurt) made a very good contrast to the menace of the replicants as he tracked them down.
It was good to see this cut of the director's vision. I definitely appreciated it. But, unlike the speaker who introduced the movie (and who spoke with disdain of the "studio interference" which led to the adding of the voice-over), I still prefer the original theatrical release version that I saw in late 1982. It had a profound impact on me at the time (and pretty much on anyone else who saw it) and, while it may not have been the biggest box-office success of Ridley Scott's career, it was, perhaps, his most influential movie.
And that got me to thinking (after that little speech and the movie) about what makes the action of inserting a voice-over "good" and what makes it "bad". (And the fact that the director and lead actor didn't like it does not automatically make it "bad".)
Would Sunset Boulevard have been as good without the voice-over by the dead guy floating in the pool. Would Sin City have been as involving without the voice-overs?
Billy Wilder once said that there were no rules about voice-overs. But just to make sure that the voice-over isn't telling the audience about things they're already seeing on the screen. And that it's a good way to cut five pages out of the script - just summarize it with a quick voice-over.
I've concluded that one definite "good" use of voice-over is when you have a lead character in a very degraded society (or situation). The voice-over can get you MORE EMOTIONALLY INVOLVED with the lead character by outlining his/her thoughts and moral code. Such as Marv in Sin City, who always liked hit men because no matter what he did to them, he never felt bad about it the next day.
You might not get that level of emotional involvement without the voice-over.
Of course, some filmmakers can very successfully get across the thoughts and moral codes of their main characters without using voice-over. I'm thinking (for example) of Howard Hawks with The Big Sleep and Rio Bravo.
Anyway, the new DVD release of Blade Runner (in Australia in December) should make everyone happy. I think (but I'm not 100% certain) it's got the original 1982 US theatrical release version, the international one (1982), plus at least two director's cuts.