View Full Version : Rode NTG-1 or NTG-2 Sample Footage?

Anthony Vincent
November 17th, 2007, 08:35 PM
I am looking at buying a Rode NTG-2 this week but would like to see some sample film footage of how it sounds in action. I've only found a few vids on youtube. Anyone know of any other good resources/websites?

I've seen the shootout website that compares mics but I'd rather see some real footage from a short film that uses it. Seems like it's a popular mic but can't find much of anything that shows what it can do.

Michael Nistler
November 18th, 2007, 05:46 AM

Guy Cochran
November 20th, 2007, 05:42 PM
If you can download the .M4V file here
you'll be able to see a short class project shot using the NTG-2 shotgun. It's their first experience with any kind of quality external mic. You'll hear some nice subtle detail in there, from breathing to sighs, to chairs creaking, keys tapping etc. This was shot with first time boom-ops fed directly into a Canon XL2. The VO uses the NTG-2 as well. Call me if you need one of these mics, mention and I'll make you a screaming deal. 1-877-353-8077.