View Full Version : New Beta (all products.) Hopefully final.

David Newman
November 16th, 2007, 06:30 PM
We where planning to release all new versions this week, but now that the weekend is upon us, please treat the builds as beta for now. If you aren't it a middle of a time sensitive project press give the new version a go. Un-install old CineForm software first (do not deactivate, these will use your old license.)

Here is the complete product line up (including the new NEO 4K.)

Aspect HD --
NEO 2K --
NEO 4K --
Prospect HD --
Prospect 2K --
Prospect 2K-DL --

CienForm Mac Codec --

If you new to any of these products, they work as a 15-day trial.

Salah Baker
November 16th, 2007, 07:13 PM
Ok David what one does the 4k neo mean 4k Prospect soon?
Do I need to update?
Rumor running that one may do Redcode to CF, what one?(neo 4k)
Point me "o guru of video goodness"...

David Newman
November 16th, 2007, 07:28 PM
Prospect 4K is coming. Specs are not released yet.

David Taylor
November 16th, 2007, 07:59 PM
Yes Salah, if Prospect 2K or Neo 2K/4K are installed on the machine with RedCine you can export from RedCine to CineForm 444 - we consider it Beta at this point. David Newman offered specific details in a post on RedUser which I won't re-post here.

Craig Irving
November 17th, 2007, 03:38 PM
I installed it but on playback my video was scrambled. I didn't trouble-shoot anything really, I just went back to 5.1 and it works fine again.

Cedric Pottier
November 18th, 2007, 09:08 AM
i have an issue while testing this new beta version of AHD, i can't play (source monitor and in the timeline) some old materials .avi CF files.
i'm under vista with CS3 and when importing a old cineform avi (i think that was created with Aspect HD5.0, perhaps 4.3, i can't remember).

when i clic play, there is nothing that comes, the cursor stay inactive.
it works with some recent avi (i remember ASHD5.1) on the same timeline.

i reversed back to Aspect 5.1.2 and it works again..


David Newman
November 18th, 2007, 10:43 AM

that is weird one, and nothing should have changed for file compatibilty. Could you please upload a clip that behaved this away. Thank you.

Hernan Vilchez
November 19th, 2007, 03:13 PM
Ive had no previews (green screens, frozen frames, clip without effect) since installing build 95. this havent changed with 95a. never happened before. reinstalling b92 doesnt change the situation.

tried clean uninstall. next step i imagine is reformatting c: (and losing time) and reinstalling b92. no other clue given from support...

if somebody experiencing problems with playback in the timeline while applying effects or opacity changes with aspect b95, please tell so.

my experience is not good at all with the new beta versions of Aspect. are they buggy or its just my system?

David Newman
November 19th, 2007, 03:20 PM

Sorry, at the moment it just seems like your system. I can only continue to point you to support. Have you tried a restore point?

Cedric Pottier
November 19th, 2007, 03:41 PM
Hi David,
i have uploaded a file that reproduce the issue regarding the play that doesn't work. sorry for the size (~600Mo)

create a CF project with aspect 5.2 beta and import the file.
it should do not play in the source monitor and in the timeline.

hope this will help.


David Newman
November 19th, 2007, 05:48 PM

That clip plays fine here. Uninstall and reinstall Aspect HD 5.2, then reboot (just in case.) Then in the start menu under CineForm/Tools select "Register Components" (which can fix some issues.) Please report back.

Carl Middleton
November 20th, 2007, 09:46 AM
I've seen this 'green video' effect once, on a nested composition, time reversed and slow mo'd, with heavy color correction and grading.

Could it be you aren't setting aside enough RAM for preview in playback settings, or a similar RAM issue or somesuch?


Cedric Pottier
November 20th, 2007, 03:24 PM

That clip plays fine here. Uninstall and reinstall Aspect HD 5.2, then reboot (just in case.) Then in the start menu under CineForm/Tools select "Register Components" (which can fix some issues.) Please report back.

David, i have reinstalled, reboot..., and register again the components and nothing has changed under Vista. it does not play.
Now, on my current project, the CF transition (dissolve for example) does not work ! i can scrube and see it but it does a cut when playing...

I have tested under my Xp pro and Premiere CS3 crash everytime when opening a CF project. I have reversed back to 5.1.2

sorry to bother you


David Newman
November 20th, 2007, 04:17 PM
Please work with support as none of this makes any sense, other than Vista which can still cause random problems. You XP setup must be simply broken, as 99% of our users are on XP, that should be easier for support to address.

Try moving that AVI to the root on your media drive, no sub-directories, does the file play then?

Paolo Brambilla
November 21st, 2007, 03:19 AM
All is working fine here.


Hernan Vilchez
November 21st, 2007, 04:45 AM
David, support doesnt answer my tickets anymore. Im waiting 5 (!!) days now... This is very disappointing.

I will reformat c: reinstall all (nice job) and check with version 5.12 again. I wont install 5.2 till it works fine, too much time lost now.

And seems im not the only one with problems with this version.


Robert Dolphin
November 21st, 2007, 05:17 AM
I tried the Aspect HD beta. If I try to open an existing project or import a CF .avi PPro crshes. I can import a CF .mov but it doesn't play.


David Newman
November 21st, 2007, 10:24 AM

Sound like an installation issue that support will be able to help you with. MOV not playing is actually something we haven't addressed yet, there are third party components that can help. We still recommend AVIs for Premiere Pro work.

The full releases should be up today sometime.

Hugh Mobley
November 23rd, 2007, 01:23 PM
Tried to get this new one (NEO HDV)to work,does not, goes haywire, I can convert m2t clips but cannot capture without it eating up my whole harddrive. Emailed tech support but no answer yet.

David Newman
November 23rd, 2007, 01:36 PM
As I replied in the other thread:

"I suggest you try again. There have been no changes to the HDV capture in HDLink for about a year. As you using email, support works best via the ticket system (, that way your enquiry won't get lost."

Cedric Pottier
November 23rd, 2007, 04:58 PM
Please work with support as none of this makes any sense, other than Vista which can still cause random problems. You XP setup must be simply broken, as 99% of our users are on XP, that should be easier for support to address.

Try moving that AVI to the root on your media drive, no sub-directories, does the file play then?

Hello David,
i'm pleased to announce you that all my problems are solved !
i have just removed K-litte Codec Pack Full that i had installed previously.

Now i work with Aspect HD 5.2 and vista and all is working fine.


Adam Gold
November 29th, 2007, 06:38 PM
I tried the Aspect HD beta. If I try to open an existing project ...PPro crshes.
I downloaded and installed build 95a today and had the same results. I can create a new project fine but if I try to open a previously saved project Adobe instantly crashes.

Going back to build 92 solved the problem.

Have filed a trouble ticket... just wanted Robert to know he wasn't alone...

Alan Mills
December 5th, 2007, 03:18 PM
I downloaded and installed build 95a today and had the same results. I can create a new project fine but if I try to open a previously saved project Adobe instantly crashes.

Going back to build 92 solved the problem.

Have filed a trouble ticket... just wanted Robert to know he wasn't alone...

Has anyone got to the bottom of these 5.2 issues yet?

Just trying to start up my first 5.2 project and suffering from these problems almost instantly.

Any attempt to open a project from a previous version and Premiere crashes. Also I do get 'a serious error has occurred' consistently with clean 5.2 projects. This happens with both builds 95 and the new 98.

A revert back to 5.1 and all is ok again.

Will file a ticket but it all seems a bit 'generic' to me.

David Newman
December 5th, 2007, 05:18 PM
We aren't able to reproduce the, but please file a ticket so we determine how wide spread the errors is.

Adam Gold
December 5th, 2007, 06:50 PM
Any attempt to open a project from a previous version and Premiere crashes. Also I do get 'a serious error has occurred' consistently with clean 5.2 projects. This happens with both builds 95 and the new 98.

A revert back to 5.1 and all is ok again.
Same here as well. Trouble ticket remains open.

EDIT: Downloaded and installed today's latest CS3 Update 3.1.1 and problem remains.