Philip Gioja
November 14th, 2007, 01:07 PM
Hi guys - I've been doing weddings for a while, and felt like this job went pretty good, and am thinking about using it as demo material next year. It was a one-camera shoot, 9 hour package for $900.
Haven't had a lot of objective feedback on my wedding work from a lot of other professionals, I just shoot and cut the way I like to see it. Let me know what you think, and if you have any good thoughts for how I might improve things next year.
Vince Baker
November 14th, 2007, 01:49 PM
Hi Philip,
I think the only two elements I would comment on would be that I felt the film had a rather 'static' feel about it, didnt see many pan shots, the camera seemed to be motionless and I think this stopped some of the feeling usually found in a film. Just my opinion, I am sure the couple loved it but I like to see some movement of the camera.
The other thing I noticed was the quality of the sound during the ceremony. I take it that you didnt have any lapel mics on the groom or the vicar/priest?
I felt myself struggling to here what was being said.
Loved the shots of the couple on the field, very classy.
Again, didnt want to sound negative, just my two cents and as I said, sure they loved it!
Yang Wen
November 14th, 2007, 03:03 PM
I second the audio being too low. I don't know if it's just a problem of the web version. I honestly could not hear anything until i cranked it almost to the max.
I really like the shot of the couple dancing on a grassy field at the end.
I don't know much about your style but I would have applied CC to it to bump up the saturation and maybe give it either a warm or cool look according to the scene. I feel the color you have right now is probably more true to the real life colors but how often do we see video/film productions that have true colors?
Philip Gioja
November 15th, 2007, 08:11 AM
I didn't have a mic on the priest, but I did on the groom. I only have one wireless right now, but maybe it would be good to improve my audio a little.
There is that one shot of the priest talking at the beginning that runs a long time with the same framing - I bet that's what is slowing it down a little. I wanted to give a feel for the church location, but I didn't cut it tight enough.