View Full Version : Shell based DPX to CineForm AVI/MOV convertor

David Newman
November 14th, 2007, 12:00 AM
Here is a handy tool/

If you have a bunch of DPX scans to convert into CineForm, AE normally does a good job. But is overkill (i.e. slow) for simple conversions.

From a PC shell you can batch convert your DPX files using the CineForm encoder license you have installed. For HDV users you will be limited to 1440x1080 8bir, so this is mainly for NEO/Prospect HD (up to 1920x1080) and NEO/Prospect 2K (up to 2048x2048) users. The tools maintain full 10-bit precision for all conversions.

New tool:
Download, unzip and copy DPX2CFHD.exe into your executable path. If you don't know, use c:\windows\system32\.

From a shell (in the directory of your DPX files)
> dpx2cfhd *.dpx c:\output\new.avi f=23.976

And you are done, it goes as fast as your CPUs and disks allow.

or for an MOV
> dpx2cfhd *.dpx c:\output\ f=23.976

F=X is the frame rate.

Other switches include:
q=quality (default is 4=filmscan1. 1-3 = Low to High. 5=Overkill)
n=number of frame to convert
g=gop length (1 or 2, defaults to 1, only use 2 on YUV sources)
c=yuv (to force YUV for NEO HD/Prospect HD licenses.)

The last one is important as most DPX files are RGB, so non-2K users will need to subsample to 4:2:2 YUV.

so a full usage might be

> dpx2cfhd v:\clips\abc*.dpx c:\output\abc001.avi f=24 n=120 g=1 q=3 c=yuv

P.S. No warrantees implied.

Look forward to feedback.

Mike McCarthy
November 14th, 2007, 02:07 AM
Any chance we can get something that goes the other way, for those of us using Cineform for a DI for DPX filmout? I realize this tool is the reverse, for converting scanned film.

David Newman
November 14th, 2007, 09:45 AM
Yes we can do that too--at some point.

Kris Bird
November 15th, 2007, 01:21 PM
Quick question- are there current tools (hdlink possibly) for batch converting files (most likely m2ts) into cineform avis by command-line? If not, any plans to have hd link's conversion operations triggerable from the command line?

David Newman
November 15th, 2007, 01:35 PM
We would like to match HDLink scriptable, just has reach a priority point yet.

Bob Hart
November 20th, 2007, 08:58 AM
A short note from a mug who hasn't played with command line for too many years and knows only just enough to be a danger unto himself, who has had a play with this new toy.

pdx2cfhd is fast and works just fine.

(I probably used it inappropriately though by placing the executable file in the folder I had the dpx files copied to. - At this point of reading David might be smiting his brow and silently screaming - "WHAAAT"? - and wondering at the abuse people manage to enact upon his software.)

I am now looking forward to the low cost SI2K technology based, direct to CFHD film scanner. (We can imagine and dream can't we.)

Jason Rodriguez
November 20th, 2007, 10:55 AM

You might want to talk with Les Dittert over at Illuminate (formerly HTV) in LA (across from Universal Studios).

They do film-scanning direct to CFHD (I believe 444 now).



David Taylor
November 20th, 2007, 01:23 PM
... direct to CFHD film scanner. (We can imagine and dream can't we.)

We're currently working with a scanner manufacturer to test the integration of CineForm 444 as a direct output from their scanner. More when we know more....