Ryan Szulczewski
November 12th, 2007, 05:46 AM
In Final Cut Pro I want to capture the video via the Component out of the HV20. Final Cut Pro won't control the hv20 for any of the the Firewire control presets (NTSC, Basic, NDF).
If I use the HDV60 easy setup though it has no problem controlling the hv20.
What device control preset should I use to control the HV20 while capturing via component?
Ryan Szulczewski
November 12th, 2007, 05:59 AM
OK so I figured out that the device control is the Sony HDV Firewire preset. The problem is if I select that I have to capture HDV as well. I can't just control the camera with that preset and capture via the component. If I select Sony HDV Firewire as the device control preset it tells me I have to capture HDV.
Ryan Szulczewski
November 12th, 2007, 06:09 AM
Nevermind I am an idiot.
This is a case of someone not wanting to try something different. I didn't want to use the HDV capture preset because of space issues but upon capture I don't think it took up a whole lot more space than 8 bit uncompressed SD (I didn't actually check, but hey I'm happy)
So ignore this post and go about your regularly scheduled day.