View Full Version : Adjusting exposure on the EX1 footage in post

Sami Sanpakkila
November 10th, 2007, 12:15 PM
Hi all,

Im fairly new to the digital world and have been previously shooting only film so I am used to some freedom with exposure.

How much can you correct the exposure of the EX1 files in post? Is it like working with digital photography files in Raw (lots of freedom) or like JPG (no real adjustment possible).


Bob Grant
November 10th, 2007, 03:23 PM
With 8 bit video the amount of adjustment that can be made in post is pretty much in line with the jpegs you get from a DSC. With video you don't even get as much colour sampling as the jpeg from a DSC gives you either.

There are digital movie cameras that record better colour sampling and / or in RAW but costs are higher than the EX1. The SI-2K records RAW and gives you a very close to shooting neg experience in the digital realm.

Ray Bell
November 10th, 2007, 03:46 PM
There was a guy this week that posted a capture of his kid in a halloween costume that was almost black lighting and he pulled it out... I was suprised that it came out so well... I'll see if I can find the post...