View Full Version : HD production using Canon cameras

Len Rosenberg
November 10th, 2007, 10:02 AM
I have an HG10 and soon will replace my PD170 with an XH A1. I have not yet done any HD editing/ burning and need advice on how to set up my system. I've done alot of reading in these formums but there are so many variables. I'm currently using a PC but will be changing to a Mac Pro. What editing software and acqisition hardware do you recommend? Audio is very important in the process as much of the recording will be music. I've read about Black Magic Intensity and Edius cards, and wondering if that is worthwhile. Also wondering whether installing a custom video card in the Mac Pro is advisable. I am posting this here due to Chris Hurd's post that all the HD manufacturer's use their own encoding standards, so as a Canon user I might get the best advice here. If this should be posted in hd Acquistion my apologies.
Thanks for your help, this is a great community.

Bill Pryor
November 10th, 2007, 02:41 PM
If you use Final Cut Pro, you can edit all varieties of Canon's HDV with no trouble, including the 24f mode. It's a good idea when buying a Mac to get the next step up in video cards. The standard one is OK, but the middle one is worth the difference in price. The really pricey one is more for serious game players and not really necessary for HDV.

Gregg Havens
November 11th, 2007, 05:11 PM
I use a PC and Vegas 7 without any problems in editing. In fact I do all my editing using the .mt2 files. However an output of a 25 minute 720P file is almost 9Gigs. I have done my couple weddings in SD and a normal DVD. I haven't found much call for HD yet. I have produced a couple shorts and transfered the data using a portable Hard drive for use on a large computer monitor. I'm still working on the computer to HDTV system. Maybe before Christmas.