James Brill
November 9th, 2007, 12:52 PM
Well I only have a Sony pvm crt used for shoots but I was thinking about using it for color correcting HDV but I was wondering if I was just to use the spyder 2 pro on my apple 23" cinema display it would do a better job. I do have a second monitor on my computer though which is a 22" chimei. It isn't going to give as good of color as the apple but I don't care since I'll just have my preview on the apple. I plan to just do basic color correction like crushing blacks, adding contrast, and maybe warm up the colors. I mainly try to do all that when I am shooting in camera. So if it is just for color correction would it just be better to do it on a calibrated cinema monitor and just drop the idea of getting the matrox since I don't need a lot of it's features except the real time down convert to a sd monitor to the pvm if I chose to preview on it.