Art Varga
November 6th, 2007, 11:32 AM
Here's a highlight clip from my second ever wedding video. The B&G picked the music ( Mystery by Indigo Girls) It was kind of an odd song to work with especially since they specified they wanted a very specific live version of the song. I had to snip out the audience and dub in some of the studio version to make it workable. I'm still in the learning curve with my A1 so I know I have issues with color and the next to last scene with a pan of the entire wedding party kills me because of the ghosting ( shot in 24p). Any feedback appreciated.
Thanks -Art
go to Jessica and Brian
Don Bazley
November 6th, 2007, 11:46 AM
Hi Art,
If that is really your second wedding it is incredible. Very nice. The more I see from the Canons the more I think I'll go that route when I decide it's time to move from Sony the PD/VX. The Canons seem to do a really good job with colors and skin tones.
I didn't have the time to watch it more than once but is it possible the bride's audio is off one frame during the vows?
What type stabilizer are you using?
Thanks for posting. Great stuff!
-Don B.
Art Varga
November 6th, 2007, 12:19 PM
Thanks Don - I think you're right on the audio sync. After I burned the final DVD I discovered the sync was way off on the vows- must have accidentally moved the clip in the final edit. I did a rush job to fix and in my haste probably missed the mark. I used a Merlin for the stabilizer shots.
Tom McDougal
November 6th, 2007, 12:43 PM
Also, your audio from bride/groom only on left channel..
Very nice, smooth edit