View Full Version : Base spreader

Justin Morgan
June 11th, 2003, 04:23 AM

I've been looking at a few tripods, heads and prices for gear to use with my XM-2.

I've been looking at the Manfrotto 501 head which comes in a kit - the one the supplier recommended was the one with 525 legs. Looking at the prices it seems the difference between the 525 legs and say 190SS or 05SS legs is that the 525 has a 'base spreader'. The 525 is about a hundred pounds more expensive than the others.

So my question is - is a base spreader something that I really should have or would I be better off getting the legs without the base spreader and use some of the saved money to get a 503 head (the 503 head is about £60 more than the 501).

Any help is much appreciated.

Ken Tanaka
June 11th, 2003, 09:53 PM
I am not familiar with the specific legs you reference. But, if all factors were basically equal, if I were faced with the choice between:

(1) a lesser head mated with legs with a ground spreader, or

(2) a better head mated with legs featuring a mid-spreader

I would choose (2).

Keith Loh
June 12th, 2003, 11:06 AM
The spreader is important for stability. But a mid-level one is more flexible than one at the very bottom. The reason is that you may be on uneven ground where you may have to place your tripod over a rise or some objects. A bottom level spreader would get in the way.

I would save my money a little and get mid level spreader AND the 503 head. :) I love that 503 head.