View Full Version : Quality of Monitoring in Prospect

Dale Backus
November 2nd, 2007, 10:00 PM
If i'm running Prospect on a single display:

First - is there a way to full screen the monitoring window?

If so, or even if not - how does it look? For instance in the Blackmagic Media Express, it down-rezzes the video and looks terrible.

I'm using an HV20 with the intensity - i'd test it mysef but i didn't think to before my trial of prospect ran out and cannot reinstall - and this function dictates whether or not we'll go this route.

Any info would be great... thanks!


Mike McCarthy
November 3rd, 2007, 12:51 AM
The "~" key temporarily maximizes a window on Premiere, but you will still have the UI edge. CTRL+/ removes this in AE, but I don't think that works in Premiere. ALT+ENTER maximizes WMP, but i assuming you are speaking of maximizing from the timeline.
There may be other options, but I can't think of any.

Dale Backus
November 3rd, 2007, 01:43 AM
I was actually talking about the actual capture utility Neo HD or Prospect HD. Capturing via Intensity HDMI and Neo or Prospect HD.

How does the scaling appear this way?

David Newman
November 3rd, 2007, 09:45 AM
Use the NEO HD trial, it will get you another 15-days.

Dale Backus
November 3rd, 2007, 12:31 PM
Yes, well unfortunately i had both Neo and Prospect when i was evaluating them a while back... (not sure why - just negligence on my part).. and so once again i'm at a loss.

I really do need to check this feature out, because it's heavily dependent on how we build our rigs for our upcoming feature.

I guess i'll just have to format or something - yay!

But does anyone else use Neo or Prospect as their primary monitor?

David Newman
November 3rd, 2007, 12:45 PM
Try NEO 2K or P2K then. You can see we are flexible regard the trial, you can try all our software once.

Anton Galimzyanov
November 3rd, 2007, 12:47 PM
I used Intensity HDMI + Prospect HD last week, but with two monitors.
The secondary 24' Dell worked pretty well (a live capture was monitored thru Nvidia 7950 secondary DVI out) , I'm sure it was full HD signal - 1920x1080 (but with a couple frames of delay and occasional glitches).
Anyway, it's the only way for 'live' HD monitoring from HV-20, 'cause its component OUT is inactive when you swith to HDMI capture (too bad..)

Dale Backus
November 3rd, 2007, 09:07 PM
Right.. thats not bad.

You can loop out through the Intensity and get a straight HDMI feed, but then you need another dedicated monitor. We're looking to combine our Capture computer's monitor and video monitor into the same unit. Essentially pressing record and maximizing the preview window...

Hopefully i can get one of these trials to work at some point - but its good to know some people are using the preview out there!

How do you like the Cineform codec in general?

Stephen Armour
November 6th, 2007, 04:44 AM
How do you like the Cineform codec in general?

There's none better right now. Great output, great support. Don't miss this one.

(you can pay me later, David...ha!)