John Kahoun
November 2nd, 2007, 03:21 PM
Have several long scenes (30 minutes) recorded to 50i with the Z1, captured with HDlink 4.3 (with deinterlacing), and trying to sync up with sound recorded using a MOTU Traveler (with Audiodesk software) to an iBook (48mhz, 16 bit). Video and audio drift progressively where, by twenty five minutes, the video one second ahead of the sound.
No idea where the problem is, but any ideas would be appreciated.
BTW, PP CS3 says the video is 20 fps in the properties window, but shows 25 frames on the timeline. Upgrading from Aspect 4 to the trial version of Aspect 5 had no effect on this or the above problem. Haven't tried recapturing with HDlink bundled with Aspect 5 yet. might this help?
No idea where the problem is, but any ideas would be appreciated.
BTW, PP CS3 says the video is 20 fps in the properties window, but shows 25 frames on the timeline. Upgrading from Aspect 4 to the trial version of Aspect 5 had no effect on this or the above problem. Haven't tried recapturing with HDlink bundled with Aspect 5 yet. might this help?