View Full Version : help, no sound on dvd.

Gerald Hocutt
November 2nd, 2007, 01:46 PM
burned my first dvd and everything looked great, but no sound. anybody point me in the right direction to fix this. i see the audio files on the time line when i rendered it. vegas platinum. should i have rendered with the make a movie button instead of the render button?
thanks gerald

Brian Luce
November 2nd, 2007, 02:03 PM
Are you sure the audio track wasn't laid down onto the menu screen?

Don Bloom
November 2nd, 2007, 03:29 PM
I agree, it sounds like for whatever reason the audio track wasn't rendered OR wasn't brought into the dvd burning program II'll assume it ws DVDA)
When you render the audio use the same naming as the video but it will have a different extension. That way when you drag the video in the audio will (should) follow right along with it.

Gerald Hocutt
November 2nd, 2007, 04:58 PM
when i hit the render as button it does not give me the option to save the audio, but the audio and video are on the time line.

when i hit the movie maker button it shows both audio and video files. i'm going to redo them and use the movie maker button. i already did one clip and it had sound during the preview. working on the other clip now.

Gerald Hocutt
November 2nd, 2007, 09:13 PM
rendered agian and still i'm getting seperate files same name just different endings. mpg and ac3. i don't understand why but when i drag the mpeg file in the audio does not follow. anybody know how to get them back together in arctitec. like i said i see both files just cain't get them to merge back.

thanks, gerald

Douglas Spotted Eagle
November 2nd, 2007, 11:19 PM
The AC3 will follow the mpg if you render to the exact same name and render them stored in the same folder.
You can always use DVDPrep from VASST (freeware) to assure this works properly.

Edward Troxel
November 3rd, 2007, 07:51 AM
NOTE: Scripts like DVD Prep DO NOT work in the Movie Studio versions, though.The full/pro versions of Vegas are required for scripts.

Brian Luce
November 3rd, 2007, 08:37 AM
The AC3 will follow the mpg if you render to the exact same name and render them stored in the same folder.
You can always use DVDPrep from VASST (freeware) to assure this works properly.

Is this critical? I never use the same names and they often end up in different folders. Yet I haven't had any gliches....yet.

Don Bloom
November 3rd, 2007, 03:12 PM
I wouldn't say it's critical but it is easier. Same name different extension and one less step to pulling into DVDA.

Gerald Hocutt
November 3rd, 2007, 04:20 PM
brian, how do you get the files back together?

when i hit the movie maker button and render, it ask me to send it to artitec. it then opens artitec with the rendered movie there. problem is i cain't emport my other render game to the project so i can burn them together. when i go to file in dvd art. at the bottom i see both my clips. the jr football game and the mity mites football game. i open each one and they work right, but i cain't get them to export from the explorer tab, it gives me the no can do sign.

so basically, i got both games on different menus and can not get them together to put them on one disc. do i need too stop sending them to dvd artitec?


Don Bloom
November 3rd, 2007, 04:59 PM
pull in the video to the project overview or timeline then the audio. They should sync up on the timeline.

Gerald Hocutt
November 3rd, 2007, 05:21 PM
when i do that, i have two seperate files under the menu

mpg file
ac3 file

they are under each other like this. will they join together when i burn it. when i do the preview disc they do not join. on the menu page each file will have their own button also. sorry to be such a problem, just depressing to have this system and not be able to burn a simple football game.


Don Bloom
November 3rd, 2007, 08:58 PM
something don't sound right!!! Being totally honest I have never used Platinum and have very little knowledge of the functions versus the full version of Vegas and DVDA. One would like to think they would be similar in function, I guess not. I wish I could be more help.

Gerald Hocutt
November 5th, 2007, 07:28 AM

my slow lap top would take 30 seconds before it would show up in the preview section but it finially would start playing. so all is well. thanks for everyone's help.

one thing, when i select a game on the dvd, it takes like 30 seconds for it to start playing, or before it gets to the game, is this something i need to redo in vegas platinum then render again to get the 30 seconds out of the timeline that is blank. the screen is black and not blue during the 30 seconds of dead time.
