Taro Beckwith
June 10th, 2003, 01:39 PM
I didn't go to the recent Cinegear Expo, but I heard that PS Technik unveiled a prototype of their Photo Lens Adapter for the DVX100. It would be nice to use prime lenses with the DVX. Hopefully I can rent this unit in the future.
Stephen van Vuuren
June 10th, 2003, 02:28 PM
I'm confused about these adapters for fixed lens cams. I can understand how this would be a workable solution for a cam like the XL1s that has interchangeable lenses, but here, what ever lens is added, the image still goes through the DVX100 lens.
So any gains in sharpness, contrast etc. would be lost, plus you putting alot of stuff in front of the CCDs. To my mind, this will degrade the image, not improve it.
Unlike the anamorphic adaptor, this does not increase the number of pixels usable either, so how could this improve the image?
Seems like the only benefit is rack focus, follow focus and shallow DOF - while losing image sharpness.
And if this is priced liked the others, rental only for most people.
Taro Beckwith
June 11th, 2003, 02:59 AM
I am worried about the image degradation myself. I was actually shocked to hear that the PS Technik adapter was coming out for the DVX100 because of the fact that it is a fixed lens camera. It seems like a hell of a lot of glass before the image hits the CCDs. It will be interesting to see how the images look with this thing
Shai Levy
June 12th, 2003, 07:09 AM
yes.. there is a loss of 3 stops and everything becomes.... softer or grainy like. you recognize a loss in details especially in long shots.
but if shallow DOF is what you're looking for, u got it here big time :)