View Full Version : Glidecam question for opinion
Kevin Saitta October 29th, 2007, 08:20 PM Hello Everyone,
After much thought I was told by a few friends that I should spend the money and buy a good stabilizer.
I have the XHA1 and HV20 and was thinking that I could use a glide cam on both cameras. After reading many threads here I see controversy on which one to get the 2000 or the 4000.
With all you professionals out there which would you recommend? The 2000 or the 4000 with the cameras I am using. The accessories are for not a external mic, but I will also be getting in a few months a light as well. It will also need to support these times that I don’t own yet.
Any thoughts as I hate to buy the wrong one, and since I have little experience in the field I don’t want to waste my money on the wrong one, but after doing a bit of videotaping, I realize that with the terrain I work on that a good quality stabilizer of some sort is now definitely in order.
Thank you again,
Jack Walker October 29th, 2007, 09:17 PM I have both the HV20 and the XH-A1.
I also have and recommend the Steadicam Merlin to use with these cameras.
If you want detailed suggestions on the good and bad points of the stabilizers and recommendations of by some with a lot of experience, I suggest posting in the Stabilizer forum:
(Perhaps Chris Hurd will move this thread anyway.)
Konrad Czystowski October 29th, 2007, 09:47 PM Hi Kevin.
I also own A1 and HV20 and have glidecam 4000 with smooth shooter.
I definitly suggest getting 4000, as you don't know what future may bring and what cams you will be using in the future and what you will load them with.
You don't say anything about smooth shooter, which I strongly recomend if you're planning to use it for extended shots. I can shot for few hours with the sled loaded up to 18 pounds. It comes with weights, which you can put on top of the sled with your HV20 for better balance (at least it's better with smooth shooter).
When you finally get it, practice, practice, practice and you can get amazing results...but first you must get through the balancing phase :)
Doug Davis October 29th, 2007, 11:06 PM Glidecam 4000 works great for me... Definitely a steep learning curve but once you get use to shooting with it... it's sweet....
Kevin Saitta October 30th, 2007, 01:27 AM So the 4000 works good with both the HV20 and XHA1? I saw the merlin but I really do not want to have to spend $800. The glidecam with its price point look more approachable.
Jack Walker October 30th, 2007, 06:27 PM So the 4000 works good with both the HV20 and XHA1? I saw the merlin but I really do not want to have to spend $800. The glidecam with its price point look more approachable.
I haven't used the Glidecam units. However, I will mention that the weight limit for the 4000 is listed as 4 lbs. to 10 lbs. To use the HV20 it may be necessary to add some weight, but that shouldn't be a problem.
However, since the 2000 is listed as up to only 6 lbs., I would personally get the 4000.
Again, though, I haven't used the Glidecam and am just reading the specs on the website:
Jose Ortiz October 31st, 2007, 09:44 AM I have both cameras and I'm very happy with investing in the GC 4000 and the smoothS. Once you learn the balacing and the operation I don't see any diffenrent result comparing with the expensive ones. Im in the midle of upgrading the system to the x-10 to add vertical movement to my shooting.
Practice is the key , and of course youy must be patient at the begining.
Kevin Saitta October 31st, 2007, 02:48 PM Thank for the replies everyone! The 4000 seems to be the one to get. Do you need the smooth shooter at first or can that wait?
Konrad Czystowski October 31st, 2007, 03:32 PM You can wait, but you won't last long . You will have to take brakes. You can maybe think about that arm brace Glidecam offers. I don't know how much it helps but it's supposed to help.
If you want to use it for one hour (let's say weddings) non stop, than go right away for smooth shooter.