Jeremy Naus
October 29th, 2007, 02:00 PM
I got FCS 2 and I find it annoying that the undo shortcut is APPLE+W instead of APPLE+Z (which closes the current window). Also APPLE+Q is select all
I got an AZERTY keyboard and I think they switched the W with the Z and the Q with the A on purpose for my keyboard, cause when googling all the shortcuts that I find haev APPLE+Z for undo and APPLE+W for closing windows.
Does anybody know how I can change this? In a FCS demo I followed a couple of weeks ago, they said that I could change the shortcut mapping, but I haven't found it yet.
EDIT: I found the TOOLS => Keyboard layout option, but it seems that APPLE+W is not changeable, does anyone knows a way around this?
Doug Lange
November 2nd, 2007, 03:29 AM
Would switching to a QWERTY keyboard layout and using an overlay such as a KB Covers from solve the problem or make it worse? Of course the overlay doesn't fix the problem, it just reminds you that the "Z" and "W" are in the wrong place. Do you use an Apple keyboard or another brand designed for Windows?
It may be a bug that was overlooked. Have you contacted Apple Computer? It would be interesting to find out if anyone has remapped the keys. What have you found in the French language forums? (I'm assuming you are using FCP in French because I didn't see a Flemish language version when I looked in the package contents.)
Do you have a previous version of FCP? Try replacing the French keyboard layout in FCP 6 with the keyboard layout from FCP 5. Right click on FCP and go to Show package contents and navigate to Contents>Resourses>French.lproj>Final Cut Pro Settings>Keyboard Layouts>Default Layout-French.*.fcmap
I do not have FCP 6, so the path may be a little different but not likely. This may not work at all, so place the FCP 6 keyboard layout file into a safe folder before placing the FCP 5 keyboard layout file into the folder for testing.
I uploaded the FCP 5 French keyboard layout if you want to give this a try.
BTW- my wife and I drove from Frankfurt to Brussels in late June. Belgium is beautiful. The weather was perfect, too. Not too hot for us Alaskans:-)
Good luck!
Andy Mees
November 2nd, 2007, 03:44 AM
Hey Jeremy
You need to remap those keys using the OS X System Preferences >> Keyboard & Mouse pane >> Keyboard Shortcuts tab
click on the "+"
then choose FCP from the Applications list
then type the name of the Menu item you want to change (eg "Undo")
and then type the Keyboard Shortcut that you want it to be (eg "Apple Z")
do that for all the commands you need to remap, restart FCP .... and gaze in awe and wonder at your new all singing all dancing menu shortcuts ;)
hope it helps
Doug Lange
November 2nd, 2007, 03:56 AM
If Andy's solution works for you, Jeremy, I'll do the house cleaning and remove my post.
Andy Mees
November 2nd, 2007, 08:50 AM
If Andy's solution works for you, Jeremy, I'll do the house cleaning and remove my post.
Doug, will you come and clean my house too ? I have a maid so it may not be too bad .. heck it may even be fun :)
Doug Lange
November 3rd, 2007, 03:01 AM
Ha! When I said I'd do the house cleaning, what I meant was picking up last week's socks off the floor and rinsing my coffee mug before I use it again. With six kids, I need the maid more than you do. Put your maid on the next plane to Alaska. It's cold, snowy and the aurora is visible. Heck, it might even be a little fun;-)