View Full Version : Audio Question

Brent Hamilton
October 27th, 2007, 03:42 PM
After shooting some video I noticed only one channel on the VU meter. I discovered I had shot the footage with my Canon A1 set to only one channel and not two channels. Is there any way I can duplicate the one audio channel so that I have two chennels of audio ?

Robert Wheeler
October 27th, 2007, 03:56 PM
I think there is a channel convert option somewhere, but you could just pan the track across until it appears in the centre. Or you could render it as a mono wav and then import that back into the project.

Andy Wilkinson
October 27th, 2007, 03:57 PM
Hi, Im relatively new here!

It should be easy...I'm new to Vegas but it was very easy in Ulead Videostudio 10 Plus and this is also a sinch in specialist audio freeware like Audacity. I'd be very surprised, given the flexibility I've seen in Vegas 7 after loading it yesterday, if you can't easily duplicate the channel you lack. I just don't know how yet myself!!!

Brent Hamilton
October 27th, 2007, 04:45 PM
Robert could you explain "panning across the track" until its in the center. I'm not sure what that is.



Hubert Duijzer
October 29th, 2007, 05:15 AM
It's easy.
If you have only audio on the left channel, right-click on the audio/choose 'channels'/'left channel only'.
This will duplicate the left channel to the right.

Mark Stavar
October 29th, 2007, 06:29 AM
If you right click on the audio track and choose channels from the menu. You will see a couple of alternatives, including "combine" which effectively plays the same track through both channels, which might be sufficient unless you are genuinely looking for stereo.

Don Bloom
October 29th, 2007, 07:14 AM
go into the the audio track. Right click to the menu and only use the channel thats been recorded to IE LEFT ONLY or RIGHT ONLY.

COPY>PASTE onto new track. Set the pan of 1 to LEFT and the other to RIGHT. Psuedo stereo and you can still do any adjustments needed.

Also you can go into the track header and 'insert envelope-panning'
The reddish color bar can now be set to center left right or inbetween and points can be set to make slight minor adjustments as well.
Combining the channels or simply using 1 or the other (left or Right only) will CENTER the sound so in order to give the sound of stereo you need 2 tracks-setting one to left and the other to right as I indicated before.


Edward Troxel
October 29th, 2007, 07:22 AM
If you right click on the audio track and choose channels from the menu. You will see a couple of alternatives, including "combine" which effectively plays the same track through both channels, which might be sufficient unless you are genuinely looking for stereo.

You're better off using the "Left" or "Right" options UNLESS you want BOTH channels going out BOTH sides. With "Left" and "Right", only that ONE channel will go out BOTH sides.