View Full Version : Cameras used for Amazing Race?

Colin Zhang
October 27th, 2007, 12:35 AM
I was watching the Asian version of the Amazing Race and noticed that they were "sponsered by and used" Sony HDV cams. The promo said "consumer and professional" but I'm guessing they use the HVR-A1 and Z1, don't know what they meant by consumer though, because TAR crews seem to like the big equipment, based on sighting of the filming of the US version on the internet that show camera crews holding large (probably SD) Betacam-like cameras. But ANYWAY...back on topic (which i was on anyway now that I notice...). Does anyone know what equipment they use? Maybe it's just my HDTV but the PQ seems pretty bad in the latest seasons...

Jack Zhang
October 27th, 2007, 06:07 AM
Digi-Beta or Betacam SX. All reality shows on CBS are still SD, not HD.

For the Asian version however it might be a Z1.